Keywords: 1710 Homann Map of Denmark "Iutiae" - Geographicus - Iutiae-homann-1710.jpg This is a historically important and spectacular 1710 Homann map part of Denmark Formally titled Tabula Generalis Iutiae Features a decorative title cartouche including Poseidon and others Johann Baptist Homann 1663-1724 his son Christoph Homann 1703-30 founded 18th century's most important German cartography firm around 1702 in Nurnburg Six years after his father's 1724 death Christoph retired from the map business on the condition that all future maps produced by the firm be published under the name of Homann Heirs 1710 Size in 23 20 object history credit line accession number Iutiae-homann-1710 Geographicus-source PD-old-100 Johann Baptist Homann Old maps of Denmark 1710 1710 maps Jütland Maps in Latin Homann Jütland |