Keywords: 1784 D'Anville Wall Map of Asia - Geographicus - Asia-anville-1794.jpg An absolutely stunning and monumental two panel 1794 wall map of Asia by J B B D'Anville Covers the entire continent of Asia including Arabia the Indian subcontinent and the East Indies Names countless cities caravan routes and geographical features such as islands undersea shoals oases lakes rivers and mountains throughout In Siberia and East Asia the mappings of Cook Bering including Behring Island where he died and Tschirikow are much in evidence This map is exceptionally interesting for its detailed work in Central Asia - a little known and largely unmapped region at the time Anville attempts to notate various historical sites throughout For example in the Gobi desert Anville identifies abet speculatively the site of Karakarian or Karakorum the ancient capital of the Mongol Empire Hereabout stood the City of Karakarin or Holin the ancient Seat of the Monguls Empire In a similar vein he also identifies the ruins of various temples and palaces in Tartary Southeast Asia and the East India Islands are mapped in detail based upon old Dutch maps with only speculative commentary on the interior Notes the Kingdoms of Pegu Burma Siam Thailand Tonkin and Chochin Vietnam and Camboja Cambodia Curiously notes a Desert in the middle of Cambodia where today we know there is actually a lush jungle Further south the Straits of Malacca are noted as are the Straits of Singapore Singapore Island though not identified is recognizable An elaborate allegorical title cartouche in the upper left quadrant depicts a bearded possibly Arab trader with his goods an incense burner and a camel beneath a palm tree This map was printed on four sheets and was joined by the publisher in to two panels - upper and lower It frames up dramatically either in separate or floated in a single frame Published by Laurie and Whittle as plate nos 26-27 in the 1797 edition of Thomas Kitchin's General Atlas 1794 dated Size in 48 42 object history credit line accession number Asia-anville-1794 Kitchin Thomas <i>Kitchin's General Atlas describing the Whole Universe being a complete collection of the most approved maps extant; corrected with the greatest care and augmented from the last edition of D'Anville and Robert with many improvements by other eminent geographers engraved on Sixty-Two plates comprising Thirty Seven maps </i> Laurie Whittle London 1797 Geographicus-source PD-old-100 1794 maps Old maps of Asia Maps in English Old maps of the Sea of Japan |