Keywords: 674 Broadway Albany.jpg 42 39 11 84 N 73 44 56 67 W region US Albany New York United States As stated in Rittner Dutch gable home at 674 Broadway in Albany demolished of the seventeenth or early eighteenth century With Flemish brick bond and fleur-de-lis wall tiles this was a typical Dutch American house of the period <ref> Cite book Rittner Don Remembering Albany Heritage on the Hudson History Press Charleston South Carolina 2009 9781596297708 56 </ref> Image courtesy of Historic American Buildings Survey �HABS - reflist LOC-image pnp hhh ny0005 Historic American Buildings Survey photographer unknown date looks to be c 1930s User UpstateNYer/Restoration NY0005 Buildings in Albany New York Brick walls in Flemish bond Walls in New York Automobiles in New York Historic American Buildings Survey of New York Black and white photographs of New York Black and white photographs of residential buildings |