Keywords: A hedonic game with 5 players that has empty core.png en This digraph describes an additively separable hedonic game whose core is empty It has five players displayed as circled vertices Any two players not connected by an arc have valuation -1000 for each other 2016-08-06 own DominikPeters other versions <syntaxhighlight lang latex > \documentclass standalone \usepackage tikz calc \begin document \begin tikzpicture \foreach \a in 1 2 5 \draw -\a 360/5+90+72 2cm nodedraw circle \a \a ; \foreach \a/\b in 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/1 \draw-> bend left \a edge node midway fill white 2 \b ; \draw-> bend left \b edge node midway fill white 1 \a ; \end tikzpicture \end document </syntaxhighlight> cc-zero Game theory |