Keywords: AbsoluteErrorNumericalDifferentiationExample.png The absolute error in numerical differentiation Exemple de l'error comés en derivació numèrica degut al arrodoniment i a la aproximació Self-made using TikZ Beamer and LaTeX 17 44 19 January 2007 Berland graph Details I made this using the graphics programming language TikZ Beamer and LaTeX The plot displays the absolute error when computing the derivative of <math>f x x 3</math> <math>f' x 3x 2</math> using a forward difference of first order and a centered difference of second order <math>\frac f x+h -f x h - 3x 2</math> for various values of <math>x</math> The centered difference is for <math>x 0 1</math> only The noisy negative slope is due to finite precision 64-bit IEEE754 in the computer used and the positive slope is due to the formula error of the differentiation formula Numerical analysis TikZ diagrams |