Keywords: Ahtum sermon02-sr.png English Duchies of Ahtum and Sermon in the 11th century - Serbian language version Serbian војводства Ахтума и Се мона у 11 веку - ве зија на с пском језику 2009-07-25 own assumed PANONIAN References Milan Tutorov Banatska rapsodija - istorika Zrenjanina i Banata Novi Sad 2001 Peter Rokai - Zoltan Đere - Tibor Pal - Aleksandar Kasaš Istorija Mađara Beograd 2002 Prof dr Radmilo Petrović Vojvodina - petnaest milenijuma kulturne istorije Beograd 2003 Jovan Pejin Velikomađarski kapric Zrenjanin 2007 Dušan Belča Mala istorija Vršca Vršac 1997 Ljubica Budać Begej Sveti Đurađ - Žitište Žitište 2000 Veljko Milković Petrovaradin i Srem - misterija prošlosti Novi Sad 2003 Monografija Starih Ledinaca Novi Sad 1998 The Times History of Europe Times Books London 2002 Dragan Brujić Vodič kroz svet Vizantije Beograd 2004 Istorijski atlas Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva - Zavod za kartografiju Geokarta Beograd 1999 Školski istorijski atlas Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika Socijalističke Republike Srbije Beograd 1970 Source and licence historic map self made by user PANONIAN Voivodeship of Ahtum Voivodeship of Sermon Maps of the history of Romania in the Middle Ages Maps of the history of Serbia in the 11th century Maps of the history of Vojvodina Maps of the history of Banat Maps of the history of Syrmia Maps of the history of Bulgaria in the Middle Ages Maps of the history of the Republic of Macedonia in the Middle Ages Maps in Serbian |