Keywords: Aladin2011.04.01-overlap*V*.png en Sky plot of the stars including variable stars within the overlap of the two detection error regions Credit Aladin at SIMBAD Me using Aladin at SIMBAD url http //simbad u-strasbg fr/simbad/ Me and Aladin at SIMBAD 2011-03-31 I sent an email to question simbad u-strasbg fr regarding use of applet Aladin generated sky plots Pierre Fernique astro unistra fr stated There is absolutely no problem to use them for Wikipedia pages A citation of Aladin would be appreciated Legend red - star red square - nebula red diamond - IR object X - X-ray source red + - HII region Nova - nova Mira - Mira-type variable Cepheid - Cepheid variable RRLyr - RR Lyrae variable Cc-zero X-ray astronomy Astronomical diagrams |