Keywords: Albrecht Dürer 100.jpg Salvator Mundi oil panel cm 58 1 47 Gallery 691 credit line The Friedsam Collection Bequest of Michael Friedsam 1931 Institution Metropolitan Museum of Art http //www metmuseum org/Collections/search-the-collections/110000683 before 1505 Creator Albrecht Dürer http //mail wikipedia org/pipermail/wikide-l/2005-April/012195 html other versions 32 100 64 PD-old-100 Paintings by Albrecht Dürer Renaissance paintings of Christ Salvator mundi German paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1503 paintings 1504 paintings 1505 paintings 16th-century oil on panel paintings in the United States 16th-century paintings of Jesus Christ 16th-century religious paintings in the United States Art with green background 1500s paintings in the United States 1500s paintings from Germany 1500s religious paintings |