Keywords: Ambassador and Madame Alexander Troyanovsk 16th street.jpg en Off to White House Ambassador and Madame Alexander Troyanovsky of the U S S R leaving the Embassy on 16th St to attend the White House dinner given to the diplomatic corps Ambassador Troyanovsky returned to Washington Thursday from a trip to his homeland so that he and his wife could attend the dinner 1/24/35 1935-01-24 1 negative; glass in 4 5 Institution Library of Congress Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington D C 20540 USA dcu object history credit line Title devised by Library staff Date based on date of negatives in same range Gift; Harris Ewing Inc 1955 General information about the Harris Ewing Collection is available at http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/pp hec accession number LC-DIG-hec-38230 digital file from original negative Call Number LC-H2- B-6882 P P LOC-Image hec 38230 Rights Advisory No known restrictions on publication Ambassador and madame alexander troyanivsk 16th street tif yes PD-Harris-Ewing Glass plate negatives Alexander Troyanovsky Uncategorized 2015 August 18 |