Keywords: ammophila apicalis ammophilaapicalis cuba gtmo ammophila thead-waisted wasp theadwaistedwasp taxonomy:binomial=ammophila apicalis taxonomy:binomial=ammophilaapicalis military biml droege usgs pwrc caribbean island caterpillar zerene stacker zerenestacker bug bugs wasp wasps animal animals animalia arthropod arthropods arthropoda insect insects insecta hymenoptera aculeata apoid wasp apoidwasp apoid wasps apoidwasps apoidea traditional sphecidae traditionalsphecidae sphecidae ammophilinae guantanamo bay guantanamobay thread-waisted wasp threadwaistedwasp thread-waisted wasps threadwaistedwasps caterpillar hunter caterpillarhunter scape pedicel flagellum labial palp labialpalp proboscis glossa abdomen orange zerene stacked macro macro photography macrophotography stackshot usgsbiml black background surreal Ammophila apicalis, Cuba, GTMO, A thread-waisted Wasp, hunter of caterpillars Ammophila apicalis, Cuba, GTMO, A thread-waisted Wasp, hunter of caterpillars |