Keywords: Antoine-Jean Gros - Bonaparte visitant les pestiférés de Jaffa.jpg Bonaparte Visiting the Pesthouse in Jaffa Bonaparte visitant les pestiférés de Jaffa le 11 mars 1799 oil on canvas 715 × 523 cm 1er étage/Denon/Salle 77 Museum Louvre His touching of the ill is reminiscent of Royal touch paintings See also http //www napoleon org/en/essential_napoleon/key_painting/premier_empire asp 452735 and for a few details http //www bluffton edu/~sullivanm/gros/jaffa/jaffa html Entre le 8 et le 13 mars 1799 18-23 ventôse an VII - Bonaparte visita l ™hôpital de Jaffa et aida un infirmier turc a soûler et transporter un blessé pestiféré http //www louvre fr/llv/oeuvres/detail_notice jsp CONTENT 3C 3Ecnt_id 10134198673225731 CURRENT_LLV_NOTICE 3C 3Ecnt_id 10134198673225731 FOLDER 3C 3Efolder_id 9852723696500815 Musée du Louvre 1804 Creator Antoine-Jean Gros PD-old-100 Other versions 1804 paintings Campaign in Egypt 1798-1801 1799 Bonaparte Visiting the Plague Victims of Jaffa by Antoine-Jean Gros Bimaristan of Jaffa Battle of Jaffa 1799 |