Keywords: Augustus Washington - John Brown - Google Art Project.jpg <gallery> File John Brown by Augustus Washington 1846-7 jpg Frame removed cleaned JPEG File John_Brown_by_Augustus_Washington _1846-7 png Frame removed cleaned transparent background File John Brown gif Old low res GIF </gallery> 1820 1820 1875 1875 Augustus 427360 Washington 1820 - 1875 /collection/national-portrait-gallery/artwork/john-brown-augustus-washington/428366/ Augustus Washington /artist/augustus-washington/4128180/ 4128180 /collection/national-portrait-gallery/ National Portrait Gallery 340004 http //npg si edu/ 11/29/2011 9 54 24 PM /collection/national-portrait-gallery/artwork/john-brown-augustus-washington/428366/ 1840 c 1846-1847 Photograph 114 428366 True 1850 Case Open 3/24/2012 1 17 29 AM NPG 96 123 http //npgportraits si edu/eMuseumNPG/code/emuseum asp rawsearch ObjectID/ /is/ /13419/ /false/ /false newprofile CAP newstyle single National Portrait Gallery Smithsonian Institution; purchased with major acquisition funds and with funds donated by Betty Adler Schermer in honor of her great-grandfather August M Bondi Quarter-plate daguerreotype 1840 1860 w197 x h114 x d11 cm c 1846-1847 False 0 849609375 Object john-brown-augustus-washington John Brown j 197 Photograph special url_id IAFIVCajaERe0w PD-old-100-1923 1875 Google Art Project works by Augustus Washington Augustus Washington 1845 Photographs of John Brown abolitionist 1846 Gestures 1840s portrait photographs Men looking at viewer |