MAKE A MEME View Large Image Autumn bulbs catalogue (15829414304).jpg 24 <br> PETKR HENDERSON CO NEW YORK � BI ' LBS FOR AUTUMN PLANTING <br> CROCUS <br> The <br> Harbing <br> of Spring <br> THE CROCUS is one of the earliest flowers of spring <br> aud occupies a ...
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Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (15829414304).jpg 24 <br> PETKR HENDERSON CO NEW YORK � BI ' LBS FOR AUTUMN PLANTING <br> CROCUS <br> The <br> Harbing <br> of Spring <br> THE CROCUS is one of the earliest flowers of spring <br> aud occupies a piominent place in everj' garden <br> Wlien planted as an edging in triple lines of one <br> or more colors tlie effect is striking No spring display <br> surpasses that of Crocus ; the broad wavy bands of golden- <br> yellow striped pui p e or of pure white when <br> they expand their blussjonis in February and <br> March are incomparable In lawns and pleasure <br> parks planted in the grass the Crocus is ex- <br> tremely effective They are easily planted indis- <br> criminately in the turf with the aid of a dibber � <br> after fall rains have made <br> the sod moist The flowers <br> and foliage are gone before <br> the lawn needs mowing so <br> they do not interfere with <br> the summer beauty of the <br> lawn For several years <br> pa t Crocus Snowdrops <br> Daffodils etc have been <br> planted in our parks and <br> lawns in wild places wood- <br> land walks etc to the <br> great delight of visitors <br> and enhanced decoration of <br> the parks In one of the <br> parks thousands of Crocus <br> were used in tlie grass and <br> the effect was matchless <br> Mixed Crocus <br> COLORS SEPARATE <br> Delivered Free i <br> in U S <br> Buyer paying <br> Iransil <br> Blue and purple mixed <br> Variegated and striped <br> White mixed <br> Large yellow Ust size <br> AH colors mixed <br> Doz <br> 10c <br> lOc <br> 10c <br> 12c <br> lOc <br> 100 <br> 60c <br> 60c <br> 60c <br> 75c <br> 55c <br> 100 <br> 45c <br> 45c <br> 4 5c <br> 60c <br> 40c <br> 1 000 <br> 3 50 <br> 3 50 <br> 3 50 <br> 5 00 <br> 3 25 <br> LARGE <br> FLOWERED <br> LARGE NAMED YELLOW CROCUS <br> SeliTcrrd frM Bnjar paying <br> in D S <br> BT«r p»yi <br> Trmsit <br> Tellow Manunotli I nrgp hiillm each producing a nunilxrof i <br> extra l irce pnlden-yplloiv riowprs Thi s variety can almi W \- <br> jirown in Oocns classes dp in ilishes in sand and water <br> Yellow Pirst Size Krijrht vellow <br> Cloth of Gold jolden-yellow stri ied liniwn small flowers I <br> t Ut very profuse ' <br> Doz I 100 <br> -« � l oo <br> 12c <br> 10c <br> LARGE NAMED WHITE CROCUS <br> Caroline Chisholm I'mv white <br> Princess of Wales Siilendid larsre purcnlilte <br> Mont Blanc I rg\ and line while <br> Theba The purest of whites very fn-e-blooniiuc <br> LARGE NAMED STRIPED CROCUS <br> Albion Violet striped lavender ami white extra larjp' flower <br> Cloth of Silver Silvery white striiM'd lilac small flowers <br> hut very profuse <br> Imperati P Iower« in January bluish-white pur le 8trl K' <br> yellow throat sweotly scented <br> La Majestease Imniense white floBers strlpetl Jilar <br> Sir Walter Scott White striped purple extra <br> TSe Plus Ultra ruiple varlc pite l with white <br> LARGE NAMED BLUE AND PURPLE CROCUS <br> Baron Von Dmno y l artre urple <br> David Sizzio I ariie dark purple <br> Garibaldi Extrn larire dark purple <br> Xiilacens Liielit hine extra <br> 12c <br> 1 - c <br> 15c <br> 15c <br> 12r <br> 15r <br> li-ic <br> lac <br> ISc <br> 12c <br> l 'ir <br> ir r <br> li c <br> 100 1 000 <br> 8 5r <br> 60c <br> 75 60r <br> 85 I 70i- <br> 85 <br> 1 00 <br> 85 <br> 83 <br> 75 <br> 85 <br> 85 <br> 85 <br> 70c <br> 70c <br> 70c <br> 60c <br> 85r <br> 70«- <br> 60c <br> 70c <br> 60c <br> 70c <br> 70c <br> 70c <br> 7 50 <br> 5 00 <br> 5 -i0 <br> 6 00 <br> 6 00 <br> 6 0O <br> 6 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 7 50 <br> 6 00 <br> 5 50 <br> 6 00 <br> 5 50 <br> 6 00 <br> 6 00 <br> 6 00 <br> COLCHICUM The Autumn-Flo x ering Crocus <br> Colchicam Antmnnale Meadow Sjiffron l Very elTei'tlve <br> and handsome hanly plants the Howcrsof whichconie tliroU rli <br> the ground wltho\it the leaves In the fjill the leaviw ap H-arlDK <br> the followhiK sprlnK- The flowers comprise many shadi-s of <br> white puri le rosi- striped etc They make lovely borders or <br> marcins to htnls Mixed s irtH <br> J ;j i ~_ Parklasoni \ l enutltul r in- variety from the fin-ek \nhlp«'l- <br> ' �� ' ' ago; larije flowers of white tessi'llatiMl and barred witli rose <br> ArTnMX-FLOWERlNd cno I » rxiiKivsoM and purple like M cherker-lionrd very odd s e -i;f i <br> e bulbs of one variety sold at doien rates 25 at lOO pates 250 at l OOO rat«s <br> ; OeliTiTMl free i <br> IB 0 S 1 <br> Bnjer pty ng <br> TrtssiL <br> Eacii Doi i <br> Doi I IN <br> 6c 0 CO <br> 50c i»4 00 <br> <br> UX- ' TOO <br> OOc 7 00 43899736 149965 78524 Page 24 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899736 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Colchicum NameConfirmed Colchicum L EOLID 33203 NameFound I ariie NameFound I nrgp NameFound Theba NameConfirmed Theba EOLID 57947 NameBankID 2688802 Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899736 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899736 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Crocus BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15829414304 2015-08-24 23 52 27 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Unidentified Crocus Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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