Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16265703199).jpg -fr- <br> PETHR HE I3ERSON CO NEW YORK ” MISCELLANEOUS BULBS <br> HEXDER80N S CHRISTMAS FORCING <br> I ILY OF THE VAT I EV <br> LACHENALIAS <br> Beantifiile«rlysprin;rflowerinjrl milts <br> for Kinservalor viinil window tcardfii <br> Iwor itiiiii; tile eiiouerl fnlia'ie and npiki'S if liiilliant fliiwcrs <br> render llieni exoeplionally strikinc Tlie v are very eaKily prown <br> and can be had in bloom by Christmas if desired or can be <br> SCrown in cold frames if protected from frost Nee cut <br> ITelsoni A new hybrid ; without doubt the fim-Kt of therare pro- <br> ducing its lartre golden yellow flowers in long racemes with won- <br> derful freedom lasting in flowerin acool hoiisenearly two months <br> Of the easiest culture; treated same as Hyacinths <br> Fendnla Very strong growing and hundsome flowers bright red <br> ti iped with green and yellow <br> Snbida Deep red freely spotted one of the tirst in bloom Very <br> distinct and slu wy <br> LILY OF THE VALLEY ilir l- ; ; ' ˘ - '; <br> most useful and greatly adiuiivd i laiits grown the m ideKt <br> bell-shnjjed flowei-s of purest white aj-e highly prized for culling <br> purposes and for flowering in pots in the winter they are ex- <br> ceedingly well ndapled and will last several wit'ksin beauty Hy <br> taking tiieni in at intervals a succes sion of flowers may bi' kept <br> up all winter They are also foix'cd in immense quantities by <br> florists but they are the most charming when grown in large <br> patches in imrtially shaded localities around the lawn near the <br> borders of streams lakes etc being perfectly hardy lleudv <br> for ili'liVHVy in SoVHinlfiT <br> Iiarg'e-flowering' German Sing'le Crowns Three years old <br> lor fcirciiig poi cull ni-e or open ground planting <br> 1 o i per l ooo buyer i -i \ ing tr -insit I <br> Henderson's Extra Christmas Forcing' Singfle Crowns <br> The finest grade of Crowns in the wdrld for early winter llower- <br> iiig they will bear twelve to sixtet'ii large bells on strong stalks <br> wilh foliiiuf even when forci-d for extr a early ; the pips average <br> huge iilnmp and ivgular with extia long roots See cat <br> l l s no per 1 000 buyer fiaying transit <br> Portin's Giant This '« the Largest variety yet roduced i It 1« <br> only ailnpted for oi en ;roniid planting and may not show much <br> Hujieriority the first spring after planting but by the second sea- <br> son Hlien it gets well established it produces wonilerfnlly luxuri- <br> ant ffdiage and immense spikes crowded with purest white bells <br> twice the size of any other sort In every way It is suiH-rior <br> Ziarge Clumps of Lily of the Valley for ofH-n ground phuit- <br> iug <br> FBICHS <br> DeliTtred Free in U S <br> Each <br> 25c <br> 200 <br> 20o <br> Doz <br> 2 50 <br> 2 00 <br> 2 00 <br> IM <br> i8 oo <br> 12 00 <br> 12 00 <br> liesp bul Il- <br> ls-long to <br> I Vr 0 l Japanese Hardy Amaryllis T <br> - ˘ ' V-V/IXIO ous pl;iiits are of great biauty they <br> tin' Amaryllis family and are conseciuently adapted to jiol cullur <br> in the greenlionse or window garden Coming from colder cli- <br> mates than the tiiipical \marvllis they thrive under cooler treat- <br> ment They make sjileiidid gardi-n jilants and this is the iopu- <br> lar way of growing them In lapan tinil China Urowii outside <br> hey flower tow ard aiitiinia They have jiroved to be hanly <br> grown in a warm shelteivd sunny border pfot vte i with n fninie <br> or inulcliiMg during the winter I S'ee nit <br> Sqnamigera A very strong-growing and larg '-tlowerin; variety <br> and perhaps the hanliest of the lot; it is frci iienlly grown by <br> the I hiiiese as a ceiiu'ti'iy plant Tin- llower spikes niv stout and <br> solid from – _ to feet high bearing uinhils of from to 7 laiui' <br> llly-llkelloHerxabout 4 iinhi'sin length nearly twice thesiieof the <br> other v irielies 'i'he color is n soft rosy pink dellcutely tlngi-d <br> with silvery gray <br> Anrea I'ro luces flower stems about IH inches high FurniountMl <br> with from 1 1 to 1 S di-ep yellow llly-like blossoms <br> Japonica or Badiata KlowiTstemsnbout afoot longwiih clus- <br> ters of from Nto 1 L'liiry n-d llly-llki-ilowei-sabout I wo Inchi's across; <br> colors \'cry brilliant and in the sunlight glisten as If sprinkled <br> with gold dust ; the «a\'\' rei'urved petals ainl long refl si Mniens <br> i l\en graceful eff«N-t to the tlower Perhaps no bulbs bloom wiih <br> 111 ore cerfnlnty and swiftness after potting; for autumn and win- <br> tir lowering they are e\tr 'melv iM'nutlfnl <br> Sang inea bears a ilnster of larp- cr Kus-llke flovrerM on 12-lneli <br> Biems Color bright scarlet <br> c <br> 30c 0 50 <br> 40c <br> GOiv <br> Each Doz <br> 30c 3 00 <br> 1 75 <br> 2 50 <br> 100 <br> 20 00 <br> – 0 <br> O 20 00 <br> 10c ' l fio <br> 12c I 1 1' - <br> 0 00 <br> 8 00 43899752 149965 78524 Page 40 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899752 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899752 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899752 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Lily of the Valley Lachenalias Lycoris BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories lily of the valley bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16265703199 2015-08-24 23 54 33 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Lycoris Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |