MAKE A MEME View Large Image Autumn bulbs catalogue (16425986966).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NEW YORK �JARDINIERES POTS Etc <br> 71 <br> - <br> Jardiniere St Nicholas <br> Olive or preen or red ground colors <br> Stippled and burnished with Kold <br> raised scroll wi rk ...
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Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16425986966).jpg PETER HENDERSON CO NEW YORK �JARDINIERES POTS Etc <br> 71 <br> - <br> Jardiniere St Nicholas <br> Olive or preen or red ground colors <br> Stippled and burnished with Kold <br> raised scroll wi rk panels decorated <br> with flowers in natural colors <br> No A Holds 5-inch pot « 7S <br> B 6- 3 50 <br> ' � c 7- '; 3 5 <br> D 8- 4 50 <br> �� E q- ' 6 00 <br> Jardiniere Manilla <br> T/hite ground colors shaded with <br> cherry red or light greener blue or <br> bronze ornamented with gold scroll <br> and stipple and flower decorations ia <br> natural colors <br> No F Holds 7-ioch pot j as <br> G 8- ' � a 6s <br> I' H- ��' 9- 3 '5 <br> J- ' 10- 4 00 <br> Jardiniere Santiago <br> White ground colors tin'ed and <br> bordered with red 1 r green or blue or <br> bron/e raised scroll work ornament- <br> ed with burnished gold and stipple <br> panels of flowers in n ;tural colors <br> No K Holds 7-inch pot 7 25 <br> L � � 8- 2 65 <br> M 9- 3 5 <br> N ' �� xc- 4 00 <br> Tokonabi Jardiniere <br> A Japanese ware somewhat resem- <br> bling very dark teiracotta; it is very <br> hard und exquisitely shaded dra- <br> gons and birds in raised relief on dot- <br> ted clouds; the effect is quiet and rich <br> No 0 Holds 7-inch pot i co <br> � � P 8- r 50 <br> Q 9- 2 00 <br> R 10- 3 00 <br> J-CA NGING <br> POXS <br> Banking Shell Hanging ouod Rustic <br> Ivory white ii-inch 1 00 7-inch 3CC ; 9-inch 50C <br> Brass Chains extra each 15c i 5o per do en; by mail iSc 1 75 per dozen <br> Hanging Log <br> 7-inch 35c ; 9-inch 50c <br> ' t r 'Yi'f ff'y' \ <br> ' Fashion Fern Dish <br> Prices include insiii'j / �m <br> Fine white porcelain with raised scroll <br> work and legs floral decoratioris in <br> colors with gold stipple 6-inch 1 50; <br> 7-iacb 1 75; 8-inch _' oo <br> eW Ferf ction 'll r Window 13ox <br> Soil will not get soggy and sour in this box for water drains <br> o I consequently plan's should thrive and bloom as luxuriantly <br> as when grown in pois and yet no dr p can escape to spoil things <br> 'J he Minton tiles are deco-aled in various colors and designs <br> under glaze The frame and drip pan are of heavy sheet-iron <br> enanielel Size of box outside 2; inches long by 8 inches <br> wide; drip pan 27 inches long by 10 inches wi ; Pi v 1 <br> l ustic <br> Han«fin ' <br> 4-inch <br> Standard <br> FloWer Tots <br> ucers <br> IVr doz <br> o to <br> �as <br> ��3' <br> ��50 <br> 60 <br> T 00 <br> 1 25 <br> 1 50 <br> Round Seed and Bulb <br> Pans <br> H'gt Width <br> 4 \ 8 incfe <br> X 10 <br> 6x12 <br> 7X 14 <br> 8 X 16 <br> 9 X i3 <br> Per doz <br> 1 CO <br> I 50 <br> a 00 <br> 4 C0 <br> 8 00 <br> la oo <br> Lg - <br> Columliia Flower Tulis <br> Durable cypress staves held by strong <br> steel wire hoops that can be lightened by <br> draw screws Cfnncct d with the handles <br> The Fancy i' - - c/// has staves finished <br> like red wo d alternating with staves of <br> natural finish all vjtnished The Plain <br> hassmoo h top and is entirely natural wood <br> No <br> Diam- <br> eter <br> A 12 inches <br> B 15 � � <br> C 18 <br> D ai <br> £ 34 <br> Height <br> II incnes <br> Fancy <br> Each <br> §1 50 <br> 2 25 <br> 3 00 <br> 3-75 <br> 4 50 <br> Plain <br> Each <br> 1 00 <br> 1 50 <br> a 00 <br> 2 50 <br> 3 00 <br> 2-inch <br> 2 -inch <br> 3- <br> Per doz Per 100 <br> » io <br> 13 <br> �«5 <br> �as <br> �4S <br> �75 <br> ' �as <br> §0 60 <br> 80 <br> 1 10 <br> 1 65 <br> 3 00 <br> 4 50 <br> 7-SO <br> S-'\n 7CC ; j-in <br> i oc; ii-in <br> 1 35; 13 in 1 <br> X 50 IC OO <br> a 00 15 00 <br> 2 75 a- Ao <br> '0 40 00 <br> Indurated Fibre Waterproof Saucers <br> Arc not por us and theret'orc do not absorb moisture <br> and spoil woodwork tables etc on which plants stand <br> Not breakable Color terra cotia brown <br> Each <br> Each <br> Each <br> 4-incb 6c <br> 8- inch 8c <br> i2-inch 12C <br> ��;- ' �� 7C <br> 6- 7C <br> 7- �' 8c <br> 9 9C <br> 10- IOC <br> IX- XIC <br> 13- ' �� ISC <br> 14- i8c <br> W ATKRrROuF SAUCER 43899783 149965 78524 Page 71 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899783 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Tulis NameConfirmed Tulis NameBankID 4380361 Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899783 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899783 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Hanging Pots BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories hanging pots bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16425986966 2015-08-24 23 55 15 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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