Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16451958925).jpg PETER 11I;NI HRS0X CO NEW VOKK ” MISCELLANEOUS Bl'LBS <br> NEW LARGE FLOWERING JAPAN IRIS <br> Iris Kaempferi GrancUflora 'I'li'- rnji;;iiiti M-iiic i i iIi -hc m-w lii cs Kiir in sNi-H It-Ni-i ip- <br> tiori 'i'ln' Ilo\\i'i-K nri ui iMKirrnoiiHHlzt' uvrrJi iiiK fr ini to s incln' -t jutoss nml of indi - <br> HtilliaMi- nriil cliuriiiitit; liiu and I'olors viirvliiK likf » jitcriMl Hllk in tin- Hiiiili lit I li'- <br> prvvnlliii; i-oIoi-m hfinjr white criinHoii row lilac Ia\'iMi Icr violet and lilne IC -n h <br> flower iiMiially n' n'MeiJtiiii; Hever- ii Hliadi-K vjiilea jroldeii \ell \\ Idotcli <br> Ktirroiiiiiled liy n Ii mIo of 111 lie or vlidet at the base of tliep'tals intPiiMllii's <br> tliewiallli of eoloiinK Tlie la iaii IriM iw peifectlv liaidy and lloweiK <br> In irealest rofnKion In lune and Inly and atiains iri-e iteHt perfertlou <br> It jrrowii In niolMt hoII or if plentlfnily n i ilied witii water while groivinj; <br> anfi flowei-in ; tSt't- t-iir i yCluiniis rt-nilv in SoVfinUiT <br> SINGLE JAPAN IRIS ži ed colors <br> Thunderbolt Ki h violet veined lila k yellow at ihe base of petals <br> r4in ill li-nl I- - peiaU of lavender lieliotro ie and parpk- <br> Queen of Whites I'ure wlilte wlili Hatiiiy white veins bnse of jH'tnlH <br> feathered liKht yellow <br> Magnifica Dark heliotrope veirn-d hiaek yellow bane all petals mar- <br> gined uliile relh-x Hide of petals and three Hiiiall petalH pink veliieil <br> ilaret Minall eentre p -taln black anil iirple <br> Blnebeard l iuht bine ground Hhadi-d with Indigo entiie petal heavily <br> lilolihed with dark bine base feathi'ivd yellow eentre petals bright jdiik <br> Npotti-il with 'rinison <br> Peerless Delleate blue K iotti-d with darker blue base of j etal« fealh- <br> en-d yellow reflex o petals white small centre of petals white til pe l <br> with deep blue <br> Bravo Dii'P blue veined with violet base yellow three Kiunll petals <br> wine ti ipeil with while and veined maroon sm all cent n- etals deep violet <br> tipiied liuht bine <br> Speckled Beauty White ground minutely speckled witii magenta and <br> ropper red base of petals fealhen-d with yellow centre jtetalw white <br> spei kleii with Copiier red <br> Triumph lirouml lolor white heavily blotched and spotted with garnet <br> Lnd light pink base of petals yellow small centre petals white tipped <br> with llulil elaret <br> Aurora \\ hile shmied with rosy claret lark plcotee-«'ilged entire <br> llowcr veinid white iiase of petals feathered yellow centre petals white <br> shadeil ligiit claret <br> Curiosity I'ure white shot wiili lilue and violet yellow feather in cen- <br> tre I etitre petals wliite tipped maroon and lavender <br> Sensation White ground feat hererl yellow at base with surrouniling <br> zoni- of lavender enlirejietal veineil violet inm-r petals light claret veUieil <br> uianion and shot w hite centre jietals bright blue shot with w lilte <br> Gem Lavender with margin of blue yellow feather at base reverse <br> of petals lavender entire llower veined and speckled with white ccntrt <br> letals white lippeii dark violet <br> DOUBLE JAPAN IRIS MlxedColors <br> Snowball I'n re white wliii satiny whiti- veins nel light yellow centrt' <br> I a Superb Delicate lilue broadly inart lni'd with iure wiilte j'ellow <br> centre entire llower Intrieati-ly veineil witll white <br> Fascination Hrlght blia- broadly margined with Indigo yellow centiv <br> Tile thiee sina Her i uui'r »-lals pure white ti i ed with claii-l the entire <br> tlower \eined white <br> Conqtieror Deep ai mine pink with band of white through centre of the <br> petals r'\erse oi jietals light jtiiik large veins of wliite through theen- <br> lin' llower Very donhle <br> Charnier I'nre wlilii' ground heavily veined with bright blue base of <br> petals o I'll amen tell with yellow feat her the three small In neriM-t ills bright <br> blue iind violet <br> li'lTnique liround color lavender heavily veliictl with clnret base of <br> petals fea lliered with yellow small centre petals plum <br> Diversity Uhh deep blue heavily veined with Indigo bnse of petals <br> lealliend with vellow small centiv petals creamy white tipped with In- <br> digo reverse of jietals Mi;ht bine <br> Garnet Itieh garnet Ilgiitly margined with white dark miiroon veins <br> b ise of pi'lals feathered with yellow n-verse side of H-tals light rose <br> small rentn s'tals violet and black <br> Soyal Pttrple Itlch violet shnilcd deeii purple veined «lth black bnse <br> if pei iis featliered yellow smallcentre petals varying from light lavender <br> lo il 'irk lillrple <br> Mikado iilch erimson with iartre veins of white liase of petals fentheri-d <br> \ -IIow small centn' iietais of iti veniler ami iiliini <br> Perfection riear pink veined and s e kled with dark pink reviTse of <br> IM'tais red centre vellow blotch eentre elals rn-nmy tlpp - l rvd <br> Pride of Japan I'lire while mnririned iink and veined white Ilf;htly <br> sjsi'kli'd with pink yellow feathc-r at base I 250 <br> PSICES <br> Dclive <br> ed Friv <br> in <br> U S <br> Each <br> Doz <br> 20e <br> 2 00 <br> ' 2r c <br> 2 50 <br> 2 -5C <br> 2 50 <br> 2 - C <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 2 - c <br> 2 50 <br> 2iic <br> 2 50 <br> 2 c <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 2 - C <br> 2 5' <br> 20c <br> 2 Oil <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 511 <br> 2 - C <br> 2 50 <br> 2 -C <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> 2 -IC <br> 2 'o <br> 2 5c <br> 2 50 <br> 2 - e <br> 2 50 <br> 25c <br> 2 50 <br> li;l~ K I MeFKIII ” THK JAPAN IKW 43899749 149965 78524 Page 37 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899749 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899749 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899749 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Japan Iris BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories japan iris bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16451958925 2015-08-24 23 54 30 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |