Keywords: AZ Cnc SIMBAD.jpg en According to SIMBAD AZ Cnc is at a location in this sky plot that does not coincide with any star dark spot AZ Cnc is immediately at the red arrow tip Just east of the top of vertical line of the cross-hair is the star NED locates as AZ Cnc Credit Aladin at SIMBAD Me at SIMBAD using Aladin url http //simbad u-strasbg fr/simbad/ Me and Aladin at SIMBAD 2011-04-16 I sent an email to Pierre Fernique astro unistra fr to ask about PUBLIC Domain use of Aladin skyplots He emailed back that First of all thanks to use Simbad and Aladin to generate your sky plots There is absolutely no problem to use them for Wikipedia pages A citation of Aladin would be appreciated Best regards Pierre Fernique SIMBAD AZ Cnc is RA 08h 40m 29 751s Dec +18d 24m 09 18s Cc-zero Astronomical diagrams X-ray astronomy Stars |