Keywords: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - Virgin and Child in Glory - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project oil on canvas Seville Spain 1617 Seville Spain 1682 Bartolomé Male 413271 Esteban Murillo Spanish 1617 - 1682 /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/artwork/virgin-and-child-in-glory-bartolome-esteban-murillo/424094/ Bartolomé Esteban Murillo /artist/bartolome-esteban-murillo/4125039/ 4125039 /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/ Walker Art Gallery Liverpool 346008 11/28/2011 4 29 32 PM /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/artwork/virgin-and-child-in-glory-bartolome-esteban-murillo/424094/ 1673 About 1673 Bartolomé Esteban Murillo; Virgin and Child; Catholic; altarpiece; miraculous; vision; human; intimate; religious; cherubs; swarthy; mother; son; Jesus; Baroque; shimmering; expressive; arched; glowing; light; woman; baby 2360 424094 False 1673 Without frame 3/24/2012 1 07 06 AM WAG 1351 http //www liverpoolmuseums org uk/walker/collections/17c/murillo aspx Walker Art Gallery National Museums Liverpool Presented in 1953 by the Art Fund to celebrate the reopening of the Walker Art Gallery after closure between 1939-1951 painting 1670 1680 w1690 x h2360 cm About 1673 False 0 72265625 Object virgin-and-child-in-glory-bartolome-esteban-murillo Virgin and Child in Glory v 1690 tag_/_style Bartolomé Esteban Murillo; Virgin and Child; Catholic; altarpiece; miraculous; vision; human; intimate; religious; cherubs; swarthy; mother; son; Jesus; Baroque; shimmering; expressive; arched; glowing; light; woman; baby special url_id SgFi8Ulrq4GL9Q PD-old-100-1923 1682 Madonna and Child by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Google Art Project works by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Paintings in the Walker Art Gallery Liverpool |