Keywords: Battle of Gallipoli - Turkish map of Suvla and ANZAC areas.png Battle of Gallipoli - Turkish map of Suvla and ANZAC areas jpg This map shows the Suvla and ANZAC areas at Gallipoli It is annotated with the British front-line trenches in blue ink and the Turkish positions in red ink Some of the place names have been transliterated from Ottoman Turkish Arabic script into Latin script The words Dardanelles Herbst 1915 Liman von Sanders are written on the back of the map This seems to indicate that the annotations were made between September and November 1915 although they appear to show the Turkish positions as they were in August The annotations in red show Turkish divisions regiments and batteries The positions of the divisions in the ANZAC area match up with the positions the divisions held around 21 August 1915 after the August offensive and the landing of British troops at Suvla The map shows the change in the allied front line at Lone Pine after a section of the Turkish trenches was captured by Australians during the fighting of 6 “12 August The map also shows the position of Turkish troops at Hill 60; however there are no allied entrenchments here and the front line is broken in this area which could indicate that this map shows positions north of ANZAC between 12 and 21 August as Hill 60 was attacked by a cobbled together force of Australians New Zealanders British and Gurkhas on 21 August Australian War Memorial<br>reference code G7432 G1 S65 XII 13<br>url http //www awm gov au/exhibitions/gmaps/turkish/anzac asp 1915-11 Turkish Mapping Directorate Template PD-Ottoman Maps of the Battle of Gallipoli Battle of Gallipoli at ANZAC Battle of Gallipoli at Suvla |