Keywords: Benjamin Freedman Service Award Polish Freedom Fighters 1972.jpg en Picture showing Benjamin Harrison Freedman Jewish-American anti-communist author receiving the Service Award of the Anti-Communist Federation of Polish Freedom Fighters in 1972 at the age of 82 years old born 1890 U S Senator Thomas J Dodd had been awarded the same award in 1960 already as had Mordechai Levym several years after this photograph was made Anthony Hmura and other Ukrainians and Polish emigrés to the United States also depicted Mrs Rose Miryam Schoendorf the wife of Benjamin Freedman at the far left Per en Wikipedia caption Benjamin H Freedman at the age of 82 center third from left with bow tie receiving the Service award from the Anti-Communist Federation of Polish Freedom Fighters in Salem Massachusetts 1972 Freedman's wife Rose Schoendorf depicted at the far left Own work by uploader - From remote family collection from Tel Aviv Israel Smith2006 Year 1972 A D 1972 in Massachusetts Salem Massachusetts People in 1972 Anti-Zionists Benjamin H Freedman Anti-communism Politicians of the Democratic Party United States Soldiers of the United States Jewish American jurists Entrepreneurs from the United States Roman Catholics from the United States Pacifists Jewish people of the United States |