MAKE A MEME View Large Image Binding energy curve - common isotopes DE.svg Binding energy curve average binding energy per nucleon in MeV against number of nucleons in nucleus for a number of relatively common abundant isotopes not chosen systematically; almost ...
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Keywords: Binding energy curve - common isotopes DE.svg Binding energy curve average binding energy per nucleon in MeV against number of nucleons in nucleus for a number of relatively common abundant isotopes not chosen systematically; almost anything with an occurrence of over 2 was chosen though a few exceptions are in there such as U235 A few important ones for the purposes of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are marked as well as iron-56 which sits at the highest point on this graph and cannot yield energy from fusion or fission Data set was taken from http //www einstein-online info/en/spotlights/binding_energy/binding_energy/index txt here and the exact set used to generate this graph has been posted to this talk page Created in Excel exported to Adobe Illustrator exported to Inkscape and rendered into this graph by User Fastfission Slightly different Hungarian version file Kötési energia-fúzió hasadás svg Slightly different German version file Bindungsenergie Massenzahl jpg ---- Bindungsenergiekurve mittlere Bindungsenergie pro Nukleon in MeV gegenüber der Anzahl der Nukleonen im Kern für einige verhältnismäßig verbreitete reichlich vorhandene Isotope nicht systematisch gewählt; fast alle Vorkommen mit einem Anteil über 20� wurden gewählt einige Ausnahmen sind jedoch vorhanden wie Uran-235 Einige wichtige Nukleonen die im Zusammenhang mit der Kernfusion oder der Kernspaltung wichtig sind wurden gekennzeichnet so auch Eisen-56 das am Kurvenmaximum liegt und damit kein notwendiges Energiepotenzial für eine Fusion oder Spaltung besitzt Die verwendeten Daten um dieses Diagramm zu erzeugen wurden http //www einstein-online info/en/spotlights/binding_energy/binding_energy/index txt hier entnommen Binding_energy_curve_-_common_isotopes svg 2009-06-04 08 33 UTC Binding_energy_curve_-_common_isotopes svg User Fastfission 20 48 7 Jan 2007 derivative work Cepheiden <span class signature-talk >talk</span> German Translation Cepheiden Binding_energy_curve_-_common_isotopes svg original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File Binding_energy_curve_-_common_isotopes svg licensed with PD-user 2007-01-07T20 48 22Z Fastfission 698x466 626466 Bytes <nowiki>Binding energy curve average binding energy per nucleon in MeV against number of nucleons in nucleus for a number of relatively common abundant isotopes A few important ones for the purposes of nuclear fusion and nuclear</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Nuclear binding energy curves
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