Keywords: BlueGreen.jpg This is an example of Blue and Green eyes These are the same eyes however the color appears to be quite different depending on the surroundings In the top picture the eyes appear more blue or grey but in the bottom picture the same eyes appear more green Notice the yellow- or copper- rings around the pupils en wikipedia 2006-06-26 Wiki edit2 wikipedia en Wiki edit2 original upload log page en wikipedia BlueGreen jpg 2006-06-26 03 11 Wiki edit2 1192×688×8 382333 bytes <nowiki>An example of Blue-Green eyes These are the same eyes however the color appears to be quite different depending on the surroundings In the top picture the eyes appear more blue or grey but in the bottom picture the same eyes appear more green Notic</nowiki> Female blue eyes Close-ups of human eyes Green eyes Blue-green eyes |