Keywords: BREVIARY, of Cologne use, as appears from the Calendar, from the offices in honour of St. Peter, the Three Kin", and St. Heribert (see below, artt. 1, 4, 6, 7), and from the rubric "Sciendim - Upper cover (Add Ms 38003).jpg Style Unspecified; Caption Upper cover; Colour Brown; Edge Unspecified exhibition history Decorative Technique Tooled in blind; Cover Material Unspecified 5½in x 3 7/8 in A D 1436 Bound in brown leather stamped with roundels of the martyrdom of St Agatha and of two goats affonted browsing on a tree and lozenges of the fall of Adam of St Antony and of a lion rampant arranged in panels with rosettes in the intervening spaces and with a roll-stamp border of scroll and-flower pattern; remains of two long clasps catching on to the upper cover Phillipps MS 559 sale-cat 1910 lot 126 from the library of Leander van Ess S T D of Marburg and Darmstadt May be Netherlands binding Five raised spine bands object history Text 15c; Unspecified; Unspecified object type Cc-zero place of creation Binding Netherlands place of discovery Unspecified British Library image http //www bl uk/catalogues/bookbindings/LargeImage aspx RecordId 020-000016336 ImageId ImageId 55708 Copyright BL BREVIARY of Cologne use as appears from the Calendar from the offices in honour of St Peter the Three Kin and St Heribert see below artt 1 4 6 7 and from the rubric Sciendim quod sic seruatur de vna virgine in maiori ecclesia Colonensi etc Manuscript on paper and parchment Uploaded with GWToolset BREVIARY of Cologne use as appears from the Calendar from the offices in honour of St Peter the Three Kin and St Heribert see below artt 1 4 6 7 and from the rubric Sciendim - Upper cover Add Ms 38003 http //www webarchive org uk/bldatasets/bindings/Add38003 jpg Bookbinding 15th-century bookbinding British Library Bookbindings Taken with Phase One P45+ |