Keywords: plant north carolina northcarolina u. s. fish and wildlife service usfishandwildlifeservice national wildlife refuge nationalwildliferefuge national wildlife refuge system nationalwildliferefugesystem Canadian Serviceberry is sometimes called Shadbush because it blooms around the same time of year as the Shad river migration. It's a small, coastal, woody tree that doesn't grow much taller than 25 feet. Among other locations, you can find Shadbush in several of our regional national wildlife refuges. Photo credit: Glennon, USFWS Canadian Serviceberry is sometimes called Shadbush because it blooms around the same time of year as the Shad river migration. It's a small, coastal, woody tree that doesn't grow much taller than 25 feet. Among other locations, you can find Shadbush in several of our regional national wildlife refuges. Photo credit: Glennon, USFWS |