Keywords: Catherine II by D.Levitskiy (1794, Novgorod museum).jpg Katharina die Große Portrait of female Catherine II of Russia Екате� ина II ru 1794 Левицкий Дмит� ий Г� иго� ьевич ru � овго� одский госуда� ственный объединенный музей-заповедник � овго� од 1794 Oil on canvas cm 48 38 Novgorod Art and History Museum Uploaded from russian painters gallery at http //lj rossia org/users/john_petrov/411163 html http //www belygorod ru/img2/RusskieKartinki/Used/084ckiyDG_PtEkateriny2NOVG jpg other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1794; Catherine II of Russia Catherine II the Legislatress in the Temple Devoted to the Godess of Justice Levitsky Paintings in Novgorod Art and History Museum 1790s oil on canvas paintings in Russia 1790s portrait paintings of Russia female 1794 oil on canvas paintings 1794 portrait paintings 18th-century oil oval portraits of women at half length 18th-century portrait paintings in Russia Collar of the Order of St Andrew in portrait paintings Female hair fashion in art Females with livery collars in art Portrait paintings of women wearing crowns Portrait paintings of women wearing tiaras diadems Portrait paintings with neutral background Waist sashes in art |