Keywords: Central serbia districts-sr-cyr.png en Map of districts in Central Serbia - Serbian language Cyrillic script version sr Mapa okruga u Centralnoj Srbiji - ćirilična verzija na srpskom jeziku own PANONIAN self-made map by user PANONIAN References Denis Šehić - Demir Šehić Geografski atlas Srbije Beograd 2007 Geografski atlas Magic Map Smederevska Palanka 2001 Geografski atlas Intersistem Kartografija Beograd 2004 http //www infobih com/slike/201009031054350 Srbija_okruzi3 PNG http //static politika co rs/uploads/rubrike/141057/i/1/e07b01-radna-mesta-po-okruzima gif http //www sandzaknews com/slike/vijest-2681 jpg http //www arhiva srbija gov rs/g/images/srbija gif http //www komisija1944 mpravde gov rs/imgs/mapa-srbije png Historical maps of districts of Serbia M central serbia04 Maps of Central Serbia M central serbia04 Maps in Serbian M central serbia04 |