MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...Aumale - Google Art Project.jpg 1819 1819 1901 1901 Male 676957 France 1819 - 1901 /collection/chateau-de-chantilly/artwork/portrait-dhenri-dorleans-duc-daumale-charles-francois-jalabert/711423/ Charles François Jalabert Painter /artist/...
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Keywords: Charles François Jalabert - Portrait d’Henri d’Orléans, duc d’Aumale - Google Art Project.jpg 1819 1819 1901 1901 Male 676957 France 1819 - 1901 /collection/chateau-de-chantilly/artwork/portrait-dhenri-dorleans-duc-daumale-charles-francois-jalabert/711423/ Charles François Jalabert Painter /artist/charles-francois-jalabert/4126527/ 4126527 /collection/chateau-de-chantilly/ Château de Chantilly 571070 http //www domainedechantilly com/ 1/19/2012 11 32 42 AM /collection/chateau-de-chantilly/artwork/portrait-dhenri-dorleans-duc-daumale-charles-francois-jalabert/711423/ 1866 1866 Huile sur toile 1300 711423 False 3/24/2012 8 31 06 AM PE-861 Institut de France Domaine de Chantilly musée Condé salle de la Smalah Inv PE-861 Fait partie de la donation d �Henri d � Orléans duc d �Aumale 1822-1897 en 1886 à l �Institut de France pour former le musée Condé Painting 1860 1870 w900 x h1300 cm 1866 False 0 685546875 RMN Domaine de Chantilly - © RMN Object portrait-dhenri-dorleans-duc-daumale-charles-francois-jalabert Portrait d �Henri d �Orléans duc d �Aumale 1822-1897 p 900 Huile sur toile special url_id WAHeTNZ7vSbBCQ PD-old-100-1923 1901 Google Art Project works by Charles François Jalabert DEFAULTSORT 1866; Aumale Henri d'Orléans Duke of Charles Jalabert 19th-century portrait paintings in the Musée Condé French paintings in the Musée Condé Henri d'Orléans duc d'Aumale 1866 oil on canvas paintings in France Portrait 1866 portrait paintings from France 19th-century men looking at viewer in art 19th-century oil portraits of standing men at three-quarter length Pendant portraits Portrait paintings of bearded men Portrait paintings with neutral background Three-quarter view portrait paintings of men facing left
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