Keywords: Closest pair of points.svg en Closest pair of points shown in red Own Qef 2009-06-22 Bitmap version file ClosestPair png cc-zero Source code The SVG was generated by running the Lua program given below It deliberately fails if the closest points would be overlapping in the image because that would be confusing <pre> local WD HT NUM_POINTS 256 256 16 local COLOR normal ' 000' closest ' f00' local RADIUS 5 math randomseed os time local P for _ 1 NUM_POINTS do P P+1 x RADIUS + WD - 2 RADIUS math random y RADIUS + HT - 2 RADIUS math random end -- Find closest pair using naive algorithm local closest_a closest_b local min_dist for i p in ipairs P do for j q in ipairs P do if i ~ j then local dist math sqrt p x - q x 2 + p y - q y 2 if not min_dist or dist < min_dist then min_dist dist closest_a closest_b i j end end end end if min_dist < RADIUS then error points on top of each other run me again end io write '< xml version 1 0 encoding UTF-8 standalone no >\n' '<svg svg http //www w3 org/2000/svg version 1 0 ' ' width ' WD ' height ' HT ' >\n' for i p in ipairs P do local color COLOR normal if i closest_a or i closest_b then color COLOR closest end io write ' <circle cx ' RADIUS + p x ' cy ' RADIUS + p y ' r ' RADIUS ' style fill ' color ' />\n' end io write '</svg>\n' </pre> Points mathematics |