Keywords: consolidated model 31 model31 xp4y-1 xp4y1 aviation aircraft airplane flying boat flyingboat seaplane consolidated aircraft consolidatedaircraft consolidated model 31 corregidor consolidatedmodel31corregidor consolidated model 31 consolidatedmodel31 consolidated corregidor consolidatedcorregidor consolidated xp4y-1 corregidor consolidatedxp4y1corregidor consolidated xp4y-1 consolidatedxp4y1 consolidated xp4y corregidor consolidatedxp4ycorregidor consolidated xp4y consolidatedxp4y xp4y autogyro autogiro corregidor vehicle drawing blackandwhite black and white FILE NAME: 01_00091939 SDASM.CATALOG: 01_00091939 SDASM.TITLE: Consolidated, Model 31, XP4Y-1 SDASM.CORPORATION NAME: Consolidated SDASM.DESIGNATION: Model 31, XP4Y-1 SDASM.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To be called the Corregidor, the aircraft was to be produced for the U.S. Navy at a new assembly plant near New Orleans. The order was cancelled before any aircraft were produced. This photo depicts an autogiro variant. SDASM.TAGS: Consolidated, Model 31, XP4Y-1 PUBLIC COMMONS.SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive FILE NAME: 01_00091939 SDASM.CATALOG: 01_00091939 SDASM.TITLE: Consolidated, Model 31, XP4Y-1 SDASM.CORPORATION NAME: Consolidated SDASM.DESIGNATION: Model 31, XP4Y-1 SDASM.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To be called the Corregidor, the aircraft was to be produced for the U.S. Navy at a new assembly plant near New Orleans. The order was cancelled before any aircraft were produced. This photo depicts an autogiro variant. SDASM.TAGS: Consolidated, Model 31, XP4Y-1 PUBLIC COMMONS.SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive |