MAKE A MEME View Large Image Coppernicus 078.svg de à ber die Kreisbewegungen der Weltkörper 78 File Kreisbewegungen-Coppernicus-0 djvu p 230 1879 w Nicolaus Copernicus File Coppernicus_078 png PD-old-100 De revolutionibus drawings LaTeX Source Code <syntaxhighlight ...
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Keywords: Coppernicus 078.svg de à ber die Kreisbewegungen der Weltkörper 78 File Kreisbewegungen-Coppernicus-0 djvu p 230 1879 w Nicolaus Copernicus File Coppernicus_078 png PD-old-100 De revolutionibus drawings LaTeX Source Code <syntaxhighlight lang latex > complile with »pdflatex« \documentclasstikz convert pdf2svg standalone \usepackage tkz-euclide \usetkzobj all \begin document \begin tikzpicture \tkzSetUpLineline width 0 4pt \pgfmathsetmacro \DA 1 9 ; \tkzDefPoint 90 \DA A \tkzDefPoint -90 \DA B \tkzDefPoint -143 \DA C \tkzDefPoint 0 0 D \tkzDefPoint -90 6 2 \DA E \coordinate G at D 1 3 C ; \tkzDefPointByrotation center C angle 40 G \tkzGetPoint K \tkzInterLC D G C G \tkzGetPoints F G \tkzDrawCircle D A \tkzDrawCircle C G \draw A -- E ; \draw D -- K ; \draw D -- G ; \draw E -- K ; \draw A + 90 0 2 node a ; \draw B + -45 0 2 node b ; \draw C + 180 0 2 node c ; \draw D + 0 0 2 node d ; \draw E + -90 0 2 node e ; \draw F + 80 0 25 node f ; \draw G + -140 0 2 node g ; \draw K + -130 0 2 node k ; \end tikzpicture \end document </syntaxhighlight>
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