Keywords: Corona, Leonardo L'incoronazione di spine 2.jpg Leonardo Corona other date between 1590 1596 San Giovanni in Bragora Venice en Cappella della Beata Vergine Addolorata from the entrance first chapel in the right nave right wall http //www sgbattistainbragora it/index php id 20 lang it website S Giovanni Battista in Bragora<br>http //dspace unive it/bitstream/handle/10579/1130/SapienzaValentina-tesi 20dottorato pdf sequence 2 Valentina Sapienza Intorno a Leonardo Corona 1552-1596 Documenti fonti e indagini storico-contestuali pdf p 383 http //www kunst-fuer-alle de/english/fine-art/artist/image/leonardo-corona/19406/1/129132/the-crowning-with-thorns/index htm kunst-fuer-alle de PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Corona Crowning with thorns 1590 1596 Leonardo Corona San Giovanni in Bragora Venice Paintings Paintings of Jesus Christ being crowned with thorns in Italy 16th-century paintings of the Passion of Christ |