Keywords: Coventry-mystery-pageant-thomas-sharp-david-gee-1825.jpg Thomas Sharp 1770-1841 The image was designed and executed in copper engraving by David Gee 1793-1872 It recreates a 15th-century Passion play The Trial and Crucifixion of Christ by the Smiths' Company of Coventry Many of the details are based on written accounts including pageant wagon design itself and the people in the street The audience includes men women and children along with armed guards for the wagon men who drew the wagon from station to station minstrels clerics and a carpenter The scene on stage depicts Christ with hands bound before an enthroned Pilate Annas and Caiaphas are shown in mitred hats and a boy carries a bowl of water for Pilate to wash his hands Although somewhat speculative the image has been influential and is often reproduced Beinecke Library http //brbl-dl library yale edu/vufind/Record/3447379 Designed and engraved by Creator David Gee 1825 PD-old-100 PD-1996 <gallery>File ChesterMysteryPlay 300dpi jpg Smaller later copy </gallery> Medieval theatre Passion plays Mystery play David Gee |