MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...The Anti-Slavery Society Convention, 1840.jpg follow For an image map showing the location of each person in the painting see en Template Anti-Slavery Society Convention 1840 Abraham Beaumont 1782-1848 Amelia Opie 1769-1853 Novelist and ...
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Keywords: CoxAndSamuelLucasAtThe Anti-Slavery Society Convention, 1840.jpg follow For an image map showing the location of each person in the painting see en Template Anti-Slavery Society Convention 1840 Abraham Beaumont 1782-1848 Amelia Opie 1769-1853 Novelist and poet; second wife of John Opie Anne Knight 1792-1868 Anne Isabella Byron Baroness Byron 1792-1860 Wife of Lord Byron B Godwin Baptist preacher from Bradford Charles Edwards Lester American abolitionist Charles Stovel Baptist minister and abolitionist Charles Stuart abolitionist from Jamaica Constantine Richard Moorsom 1792-1861 Vice-Admiral Cyrus Pitt Grosvenor 1792 “ 1879 American abolitionist Daniel O'Connell 1775-1847 Irish politician David Turnbull Dr Murch Edward Adey Edward Baldwin Edward Barrett Emancipated slave and abolitionist Edward Smith Edward Steane Elizabeth Pease Eton Galusha American Baptist minister Francis Augustus Cox 1783-1853 Baptist preacher G K Prince George Bennett George Bradburn American abolitionist George Head Head George Stacey 1787-1857 George Thompson 1804-1878 George William Alexander 1802-1890 Treasurer of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Henry B Stanton Henry Beckford Emancipated slave and abolitionist Henry Sterry 1803-1869 Henry Taylor Henry Tuckett Isaac Bass 1782-1855 Isaac Crewdson 1780-1844 Writer Isaac Hodgson 1783-1847 J Harfield Tredgold J H Johnson Jacob Post 1774-1855 Quaker James Carlile 1784-1854 Divine James Dean American abolitionist James Gillespie Birney 1792-1857 American abolitionist James Mott American abolitionist James Whitehorne John Angell James 1785-1859 Independent minister John Beaumont 1788-1862 John Birt American abolitionist John Bowring 1792-1872 Linguist and traveller; Politician and diplomatist John Burnet 1789-1862 Pastor of Mansion House Chapel Camberwell John Cropper John Ellis 1789-1862 Railway promoter John Howard Hinton 1791-1873 Baptist minister John Keep American abolitionist John Morrison John Scoble John Steer 1780-1856 John Sturge John T Norton American abolitionist John Woodmark Jonathan Blackhouse Jonathan Miller American abolitionist Joseph Cooper 1800-1881 Joseph Eaton 1793-1858 Joseph Ketley Joseph Marriage 1807-1884 Joseph Pease 1772-1846 Reformer Joseph Reynolds 1769-1859 Joseph Sams 1784-1860 Orientalist Joseph Soul Joseph Sturge 1793-1859 Quaker and philanthropist Josiah Conder 1789-1855 Bookseller Josiah Forster 1782-1870 Louis Celeste Lecesne Lucretia Mott 1793-1880 American abolitionist M L'Instant Haitian abolitionist M M Isambert sic French lawyer and abolitionist Mary Clarkson Daughter-in-law of Thomas Clarkson Mrs John Beaumont 1790-1853 Mrs Rawson Sheffield campaigner Mrs Tredgold British South African Nathaniel Colver American abolitionist Peter Clare 1781-1851 secretary of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester Professor Adam American slavery abolitionist Richard Allen 1787-1873 from Dublin Richard Barrett 1784-1855 Richard D Webb Richard Peek ex Sheriff from Devon Richard Rathbone Richard Robert Madden 1798-1886 Writer Richard Sterry 1785-1865 Richard Tapper Cadbury 1768-1860 Birmingham manufacturer Robert Forster 1792-1871 Robert Kaye Greville 1794-1866 Botanist Samuel Bowly 1802-1884 Quaker and anti-slavery agitator Samuel Fox 1781-1868 Samuel Gurney 1786-1856 'The Banker's Banker'; philanthropist Samuel Jackman Prescod abolitionist from Barbados Samuel Lucas Samuel Wheeler 1776-1858 Saxe Bannister 1790-1877 Pamphleteer Sir Edward Baines 1800-1890 Journalist Sir John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot 1st Bt 1783-1847 Sir John Jeremie 1795-1841 Colonial judge Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton 1st Bt 1786-1845 Philanthropist Stafford Allen 1806-1889 Stephen Lushington 1782-1873 Judge T M McDonnell Thomas Binney Benny 1798-1874 Nonconformist divine Thomas Bulley Thomas Clarkson 1760-1846 Thomas Clarkson Grandson of Thomas Clarkson Thomas Morgan Thomas Pinches Thomas Price Thomas Scales Thomas Swan W T Blair Wendell Phillips 1811-1884 American abolitionist William Allen 1770-1843 Chemist and philanthropist William Beaumont 1790-1869 William Bevan William Boultbee William Brock 1807-1875 Dissenting divine William Dawes American abolitionist William Dillworth William Fairbank 1771-1846 William Forster 1784-1854 Quaker philanthropist and minister William James William Kay William Knibb 1803-1845 Missionary William Leatham 1783-1842 William Morgan William Smeal 1792-1877 William Tatum 1783-1862 William Taylor William Wilson Convention de la sociĂ©tĂ© contre l'esclavage 1840 « The Anti-Slavery Society Convention 1840 » peint par Benjamin Robert Haydon  1846 Huile sur toile de 297 2 cm × 383 6 cm donnĂ©e Ă  la National Portrait Gallery de Londres en 1880 par la British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Cette peinture monumentale reprĂ©sente la convention de la British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society de 1840 Cette sociĂ©tĂ© a Ă©tĂ© fondĂ©e pour abolir l'esclavage partout dans le monde Thomas Clarkson dĂ©jĂ  ĂągĂ© et faible s'adresse aux dĂ©lĂ©guĂ©s parmi lesquels un ancien esclave affranchi qui le regarde avec grand intĂ©rĂȘt Ce dĂ©lĂ©guĂ© reprĂ©sente Ă  lui seul l'objectif de cette sociĂ©tĂ© un africain assis au milieu d'intellectuels europĂ©ens en Ă©gal et en intelligence Une liste des personnes reprĂ©sentĂ©es sur le tableau suit Pour connaitre leur position se rĂ©fĂ©rer Ă  cette image Abraham Beaumont 1782-1848 Amelia Opie 1769-1853 poĂšte et nouvelliste; seconde Ă©pouse de John Opie Anne Knight 1792-1868 Anne Isabella Byron 1792-1860 Ă©pouse de Lord Byron B Godwin prĂȘtre Baptiste Charles Edwards Lester abolitionniste amĂ©ricain Charles Stovel prĂȘtre Baptiste et abolitioniste Charles Stuart abolitionniste de JamaĂŻque Constantine Richard Moorsom 1792-1861 Vice-Amiral de la marine anglaise Cyrus Pitt Grosvenor abolitionniste amĂ©ricain Daniel O'Connell 1775-1847 Politicien irlandais David Turnbull abolitioniste anglais Dr Murch Edward Adey Edward Baldwin Edward Barrett Esclave affranchi et abolitionniste Edward Smith Edward Steane Elizabeth Pease Eton Galusha PrĂȘtre baptiste amĂ©ricain Francis Augustus Cox 1783-1853 PrĂȘtre baptiste anglais G K Prince George Bennett George Bradburn abolitionniste amĂ©ricain George Head Head George Stacey 1787-1857 George Thompson 1804-1878 George William Alexander 1802-1890 TrĂ©sorier de la British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Henry B Stanton Henry Beckford Esclave affranchi et abolitionniste Henry Sterry 1803-1869 Henry Taylor Henry Tuckett Isaac Bass 1782-1855 Isaac Crewdson 1780-1844 Ă©crivain Isaac Hodgson 1783-1847 J Harfield Tredgold J H Johnson Jacob Post 1774-1855 Quaker James Carlile 1784-1854 ThĂ©ologien anglican James Dean American abolitionist James Gillespie Birney 1792-1857 abolitionniste amĂ©ricain James Mott abolitionniste amĂ©ricain James Whitehorne John Angell James 1785-1859 prĂȘtre indĂ©pendent John Beaumont 1788-1862 John Birt abolitionniste amĂ©ricain John Bowring 1792-1872 linguiste voyageur politicien et diplomate John Burnet 1789-1862 prĂȘtre Ă  la Mansion House Chapel de Camberwell John Cropper John Ellis 1789-1862 promoteur dans les chemins de fer John Howard Hinton 1791-1873 PrĂȘtre baptiste anglais John Keep abolitionniste amĂ©ricain John Morrison John Scoble John Steer 1780-1856 John Sturge John T Norton abolitionniste amĂ©ricain John Woodmark Jonathan Blackhouse Jonathan Miller abolitionniste amĂ©ricain Joseph Cooper 1800-1881 Joseph Eaton 1793-1858 Joseph Ketley Joseph Marriage 1807-1884 Joseph Pease 1772-1846 rĂ©formiste Joseph Reynolds 1769-1859 Joseph Sams 1784-1860 orientaliste Joseph Soul Joseph Sturge 1793-1859 quaker et philanthrope Josiah Conder 1789-1855 Ă©crivain et Ă©diteur Josiah Forster 1782-1870 Louis Celeste Lecesne Lucretia Mott 1793-1880 abolitionniste amĂ©ricain M L'Instant abolitionniste haĂŻtien M M Isambert sic Avocat et abolitionniste français Mary Clarkson Daughter-in-law of Thomas Clarkson Mrs John Beaumont 1790-1853 Mrs Rawson Mrs Tredgold Anglais d'Afrique du sud Nathaniel Colver abolitionniste amĂ©ricain Peter Clare 1781-1851 secrĂ©taire de la sociĂ©tĂ© de littĂ©rature et de philosophie de Manchester Professor Adam abolitionniste amĂ©ricain Richard Allen 1787-1873 Richard Barrett 1784-1855 Richard D Webb Richard Peek ancien sheriff du Devon Richard Rathbone Richard Robert Madden 1798-1886 Ă©crivain Richard Sterry 1785-1865 Richard Tapper Cadbury 1768-1860 industriel de birmingham Robert Forster 1792-1871 Robert Kaye Greville 1794-1866 Botaniste Samuel Bowly 1802-1884 Quaker activiste anti-esclavage Samuel Fox 1781-1868 Samuel Gurney 1786-1856 « Le banquier des banquiers »; philanthrope Samuel Jackman Prescod abolitionniste de la barbade Samuel Lucas Samuel Wheeler 1776-1858 Saxe Bannister 1790-1877 auteur de pamphlets Sir Edward Baines 1800-1890 Journaliste Sir John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot 1st Bt 1783-1847 John Jeremie 1795-1841 juge colonial Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton 1786-1845 Philanthrope Stafford Allen 1806-1889 Stephen Lushington 1782-1873 Juge T M McDonnell Thomas Binney Benny 1798-1874 ThĂ©ologien anglican non-conformiste Thomas Bulley Thomas Clarkson 1760-1846 Thomas Clarkson petit fils de Thomas Clarkson Thomas Morgan Thomas Pinches Thomas Price Thomas Scales Thomas Swan W T Blair Wendell Phillips 1811-1884 abolitionniste amĂ©ricain William Allen 1770-1843 Chimiste quaker et philanthrope William Beaumont 1790-1869 William Bevan William Boultbee William Brock 1807-1875 ThĂ©ologien anglican dissident William Dawes abolitionniste amĂ©ricain William Dillworth William Fairbank 1771-1846 William Forster 1784-1854 PrĂȘtre et philanthrope quaker William James William Kay William Knibb 1803-1845 missionaire William Leatham 1783-1842 William Morgan abolitionniste William Smeal 1792-1877 William Tatum 1783-1862 William Taylor William Wilson The_Anti-Slavery_Society_Convention _1840_by_Benjamin_Robert_Haydon jpg 2010-12-03 13 47 UTC The_Anti-Slavery_Society_Convention _1840_by_Benjamin_Robert_Haydon jpg Benjamin Robert Haydon died 1846 derivative work Victuallers <span class signature-talk >talk</span> Cropped to show Samuel Lucas Victuallers The_Anti-Slavery_Society_Convention _1840_by_Benjamin_Robert_Haydon jpg PD-old-100 Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File The_Anti-Slavery_Society_Convention _1840_by_Benjamin_Robert_Haydon jpg licensed with PD-Art PD-old-100 2009-03-29T14 30 31Z Dcoetzee 3600x2798 2163413 Bytes <nowiki> is for the initial mass upload and they will be update</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Benjamin Robert Haydon National Portrait Gallery London Samuel Lucas Francis Augustus Cox Quakers from the United Kingdom 1840 in the United Kingdom
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