MAKE A MEME View Large Image Dachsteinlied SteirischeLandeshymne.gif Das Dachsteinlied Steirsche Landeshymne own Manuela LilyPond source <source lang latex > \version 2 19 37 \language deutsch Absatz 0 5 smallerNoteHead -1 5 myFont Palatino Linotype ...
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Keywords: Dachsteinlied SteirischeLandeshymne.gif Das Dachsteinlied Steirsche Landeshymne own Manuela LilyPond source <source lang latex > \version 2 19 37 \language deutsch Absatz 0 5 smallerNoteHead -1 5 myFont Palatino Linotype set-global-staff-size 18 FootLeft string-append FootCenter string-append FootLeft string-append gesetzt mit LILYPOND lilypond-version am strftime d m Y H M S localtime current-time \paper set-paper-size a4 annotate-spacing f top-margin 25\mm ragged-right f ragged-bottom t bottom-margin 5\mm indent 0 line-width 150\mm include-special-characters print-all-headers t oddFooterMarkup \markup \fill-line \abs-fontsize 7 \FootLeft tocItemMarkup \tocItemWithDotsMarkup first-page-number 0 print-first-page-number f Abstand von Liedtext zu nachfolgender à berschrift markup-markup-spacing ' basic-distance 5 padding 5 stretchability 0 Abstand des Textes nach den Noten score-markup-spacing ' basic-distance 3 padding 3 stretchability 0 Abstand der à berschrift vom Notensystem markup-system-spacing ' basic-distance 3 padding 5 stretchability 0 \layout \context \Voice \name FirstVoice \alias Voice autoBeaming f \override NoteCollision merge-differently-dotted t \override NoteCollision merge-differently-headed t \override Stem direction UP \override Slur direction UP \override Tie direction UP \override NoteColumn horizontal-shift 0 \context \Voice \name SecondVoice \alias Voice \remove Slur_engraver \remove Tuplet_engraver autoBeaming f \override NoteCollision merge-differently-dotted t \override NoteCollision merge-differently-headed t \override NoteHead font-size smallerNoteHead \override Stem direction DOWN \override Tie direction DOWN \override NoteColumn horizontal-shift 0 \context \Staff explicitClefVisibility end-of-line-invisible explicitKeySignatureVisibility end-of-line-invisible \override StaffSymbol thickness 0 5 0 3 optimaler wert \override DynamicLineSpanner staff-padding 3 \accepts FirstVoice \accepts SecondVoice \consists Bar_number_engraver \override BarNumber break-visibility end-of-line-invisible \override BarNumber outside-staff-priority ' \override BarNumber padding 1 \override BarNumber self-alignment-X CENTER \context \StaffGroup \remove System_start_delimiter_engraver \accepts AltLyrics \context \Lyrics \name AltLyrics \alias Lyrics \override StanzaNumber font-series 'medium \override LyricText font-shape 'italic \override LyricText color x11-color 'grey20 \context \Score \remove System_start_delimiter_engraver \override RehearsalMark self-alignment-X LEFT \override RehearsalMark outside-staff-priority f \override RehearsalMark extra-offset ' -3 4 \override SpacingSpanner base-shortest-duration ly make-moment 1/16 \remove Bar_number_engraver startRepeatType endRepeatType doubleRepeatType beamExceptions ' \context \ChordNames chordNameLowercaseMinor f majorSevenSymbol \markup maj7 chordChanges f \override ChordName font-name \myFont \override ChordName font-series 'bold \germanChords alignAboveContext leadsheet \context \Voice \override NoteCollision merge-differently-dotted t \override NoteCollision merge-differently-headed t beamExceptions ' autoBeaming f smallerNoteHead -1 5 Lied Hoch vom Dachstein an Anfang myTitel Hoch vom Dachstein an Voice 1 ly parser-include-string string-append \ m myTitel 1\ \relative c' \key d \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 d8 e fis a fis'4 e8 d e h e4 g8 h a e a h g a fis4 r d8 e fis a fis'4 e8 d cis8 e cis'4 h8 a gis a h cis d gis a4 r a8 ais h g d'4 cis8 h h8 a16 fis4 a8 ais cis8 h16 a8 h g a fis4 r a8 ais h g d'4 cis8 h h8 a16 fis'4\fermata e8 d cis8 h16 cis8 h16 g8 cis d2 \bar Voice 2 ly parser-include-string string-append \ m myTitel 2\ \relative c' d8 cis d a d4 cis8 d h g h4 e8 d cis cis cis d e cis d4 s d8 cis d a d4 h8 h a8 cis a'4 gis8 fis e fis gis a h e cis4 s fis8 fis g e h'4 a8 g g8 fis16 d4 fis8 fis a8 g16 fis8 g e fis d4 s fis8 fis g d h'4 a8 g g8 fis16 d'4 cis8 h a8 g16 a8 g16 e8 a d2 Chords ly parser-include-string string-append \ c myTitel \ \chordmode s4 d2 e m a 7 d d a 7 e 7 a g d a 7 d g d a 7 d2 Song Lyrics ly parser-include-string string-append \ l myTitel \ \lyricmode \set stanza 1 Hoch vom Dach -- stein an wo der Aar noch haust bis zum Wen -- den -- land am Bett der Sav' und vom Alp -- tal an das die Mürz durch -- braust bis ins Re -- ben -- land im Tal der Drav' \set stanza 1 -4 Die -- ses schö -- ne Land ist der Stei -- rer Land ist mein lie -- bes teu -- res Hei -- mat -- land die- -ses schö -- ne Land ist der Stei -- rer Land ist mein lie -- bes teu -- res Hei -- mat -- land ly parser-include-string string-append \ l myTitel 2\ \lyricmode \set stanza 2 Wo die Gem -- se keck von der Fels -- wand springt und der Jä -- ger kühn sein Le -- ben wagt wo die Sen -- ne -- rin fro -- he Jod -- ler singt am Ge -- birg das hoch in Wol -- ken ragt \score << \new Staff leadsheet \with << << \context FirstVoice melody ly parser-include-string string-append \\\ m myTitel 1\ \context SecondVoice sndvoice ly parser-include-string string-append \\\ m myTitel 2\ >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody ly parser-include-string string-append \\\ l myTitel \ \new AltLyrics \lyricsto melody ly parser-include-string string-append \\\ l myTitel 2\ >> \context ChordNames ly parser-include-string string-append \\\ c myTitel \ >> \header title myTitel poet composer \markup \override ' baseline-skip 1 \right-column Text Jakob Dirnböck 1809-1861 Melodie Ludwig Karl Seydler 1810-1888 piece opus Songtext \markup \fill-line \hspace 0 1 moves the column off the left margin; can be removed if space on the page is tight \column \line \bold 3 \column Wo die Kohlenglut und des Hammers Kraft starker Hände Fleiß das Eisen zeugt wo noch Eichen stehn voll und grün von Saft die kein Sturmwind je noch hat gebeugt Dieses schöne Land \hspace 0 1 adds horizontal spacing between columns; \column \line \bold 4 \column Wo sich lieblich groß eine Stadt erhebt hart am Atlasband der grünen Mur wo ein Geist der Kunst und des Wissens lebt dort im hehren Tempel der Natur Dieses schöne Land \hspace 0 1 gives some extra space on the right margin; can be removed if page space is tight </source> Images with LilyPond source code Graphics by Manuela Gößnitzer Music of Styria PD-old
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