Keywords: DaisyBates1921-1.jpg Daisy Bates - Mrs Daisy M Bates who is in charge of the Native Camp Ooldea East-West Railway 1921 Aug 27 DaisyBates1921 jpg 50 2012-03-30 10 58 UTC DaisyBates1921 jpg user Matilda derivative work Hic et nunc <gallery> File DaisyBates1921-2 jpg File DaisyBates1921-3 jpg </gallery> sharpness contrast cropped dust reduced Hic et nunc DaisyBates1921 jpg PD-Australia Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File DaisyBates1921 jpg licensed with PD-Australia 2006-05-29T00 29 41Z Matilda 648x740 151601 Bytes <nowiki> - Mrs Daisy M Bates who is in charge of the Native Camp Ooldea East-West Railway 1921 Aug 27 http //nla gov au/nla ms-ms365-88-466 National Library of</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Daisy Bates |