Keywords: Dihydroxyaceton-glycerol.PNG Reakční schéma vzniku glycerolu enzymatickou redukcí dihydroxyacetonu s českým popiskem modify by Antonín Vítek e-mail avitek at lib dot cas dot cz at http //cs wikipedia org cs wikipedia cs wikipedia Transfer was stated to be made by User Sevela p 2006-02-28 Original uploader was Antonín Vítek e-mail avitek at lib dot cas dot cz at http //cs wikipedia org cs wikipedia Government information at NLM Web sites is in the public domain http //www nlm nih gov/copyright html PD-USGov-HHS-NIH Avitek original upload log page cs wikipedia Dihydroxyaceton-glycerol PNG 2006-02-28 07 31 Avitek 840×430×8 30181 bytes <nowiki>Reak ní schema vzniku glyserolu enzymatickou redukcí dihydroxyacetonu Autor Antonín Vítek e-mail avitek at lib dot cas dot cz Pou ito chemických vzorc z báze NIH<br>Licence Government information at NLM Web sites is in the public dom</nowiki> Glycerol |