Keywords: Dobrovolskiy Shirakatsi craters p148a.jpg The craters Shirakatsi left and Dobrovol'skiy right on the far side of the moon This is the first photo of Figure 148 of Apollo Over the Moon NASA SP-362 1978 which has the following caption edited for clarity because the two craters were not formally named at the time of publication <br>This pair of overlapping medium-sized craters illustrates some of the criteria used to determine relative ages Material ejected from the larger polygonal crater Shirakatsi on the left partially fills the smaller crater on the right Dobrovol'skiy ; thus the crater on the left is younger Furthermore the wall of the large crater is complete whereas the west wall of the smaller crater is absent obviously having been destroyed by the larger crater Even if the two craters did not overlap the sharp rim terraced walls and prominent central peak of the larger crater clearly identify it as the younger of the two The frames used in the stereogram p148a were selected to show exaggerated relief a technique very helpful to photointerpreters in determining shapes and relative elevations of surface features The two craters are located in the rugged terrain of the far-side highlands approximately 250 km north of the prominent crater Tsiolkovsky The photograph below hrp148b is an oblique view of the same pair of craters It is included not because it is a more dramatic view but because it shows from another perspective that one crater clearly is superposed on the other -M C M en wikipedia Apollo 17 Mapping camera images AS17-M-2006 and AS17-M-2007 cropped to show Dobrovol'skiy and Shirakatsi craters <br/> Immediate source NASA History Program Office http //history nasa gov/SP-362/contents htm Apollo Over the Moon A view from orbit NASA SP-362 1978 <br>Figure 148 http //history nasa gov/SP-362/p148a jpg p148a original 1972 published 1978 NASA<br/> PD-USGov Original upload log en wikipedia Dobrovolskiy+Shirakatsi+craters+p148a jpg wikitable - 2014-03-03 17 09 345×160× 12238 bytes Jstuby The craters Shirakatsi left and Dobrovolskiy right on the far side of the moon This is the first photo of Figure 148 of Apollo Over the Moon NASA SP-362 1978 Apollo 17 moon photography Dobrovol'skiy lunar crater Shirakatsi lunar crater |