Keywords: Dreer's quarterly wholesale price list (16384657177).jpg WHOLESALE PRICE LIST <br> 37 <br> Carnation Marguerite <br> Tr pkt Oz <br> Carnation fine double mixed 20 75 <br> choicest double mixed 50 2 50 <br> Early fig Vienna double mixed 20 75 <br> Perpetual or Tree mixed 50 2 25 <br> Chaubaud's double perpetual mixed 50 3 00 <br> Marguerite white 40 2 00 <br> rose 40 2 00 <br> scarlet 40 2 00 <br> crimson 40 2 00 <br> purple 40 2 00 <br> striped 40 2 00 <br> finest mixed 1 extra choice 25 I 00 <br> Giant mixed J strains 30 I 50 <br> m <br> - <br> Celosia Thompson's Superb jjp _ <br> Tr pkt Ozi <br> Celosia cristata Empress rich crimson 20 75 <br> Glasgow Prize dark crimson 25 1 00 <br> Queen of Dwarfs dark rose 25 1 00 <br> Variegata 10 20 <br> Dwarf mixed 15 50 <br> plumosa Golden Plume 15 50 <br> Thompsonii Triomphe de <br> P Exposition 15 50 <br> mixed io 25 <br> Centaurea candidissima sold out <br> gymnocarpa per 1000 seed 15 cts 40 <br> cyanusblue JCaiser Blume 10 <br> white 10 <br> Victoria dwarf blue 15 50 <br> mixed 10 <br> double mixed 10 20 <br> Large Flowering Centaureas or Sweet Sultans <br> The following large flowering varieties are fast coming into favor as cut flowers ; are all of the <br> easiest culture A succession of sowings will keep up the supply <br> from early summer till fall <br> Centaurea Imperialis � This is the latest and <br> finest of all Sweet Sultans We offer it in <br> the following six distinct colors <br> Imperialis alba pure white <br> Armida delicate lilac <br> Favorita brillant rose <br> Graziosa intense lavender <br> Iphegenia rosea pale rose passing <br> to white at centre pkts only <br> Splendens dark purple <br> mixed <br> Americana alba <br> Chameleon yellow turning to rose <br> Odorata reddish lavender <br> Margarita pure white fine <br> Suaveolens Yellow Sweet Sultan <br> BOOKS ON <br> Horticultural Subjects <br> sny A Select List of these will <br> W be found offered on page 29 <br> Tr pkt Oz <br> 30 <br> I 50 <br> 30 <br> 2 OO <br> 3° <br> I 50 <br> 30 <br> I 50 <br> 17 <br> 3° <br> 2 OO <br> 25 <br> I OO <br> 25 <br> I OO <br> 25 <br> I OO <br> 15 <br> So <br> 20 <br> 75 <br> 15 <br> 60 <br> Centaurea Margarita 43769149 148724 77605 Page 37 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43769149 1900 10 5962/bhl title 77605 Henry A Dreer Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Americana alba NameFound Armida NameConfirmed Armida NameBankID 4079180 NameFound Celosia NameConfirmed Celosia L EOLID 38393 NameFound Celosia cristata NameConfirmed Celosia cristata EOLID 585464 NameBankID 3873833 NameFound Centaurea NameConfirmed Centaurea L EOLID 59386 NameFound Centaurea candidissima NameConfirmed Centaurea candidissima Lam EOLID 467765 NameBankID 5862313 NameFound Imperialis NameConfirmed Imperialis NameBankID 4853926 NameFound Imperialis alba NameFound Iphegenia rosea NameFound Splendens NameConfirmed SPLENDENS NameBankID 5329910 NameFound Victoria NameConfirmed Victoria EOLID 34123 NameBankID 897688 Biodiversity Heritage Library Dreer's quarterly wholesale price list tools fertilizers insecticides sundries etc Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43769149 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43769149 bhlGardenStories Henry A Dreer Centaureus Sweet Sultans BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories henry a dreer sweet sultans bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-18 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16384657177 2015-08-24 22 51 02 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Dreer's quarterly wholesale price list Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |