Keywords: Eggs of North American birds (Page 27) (6237619366).jpg EGGS OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS 27 <br> Eggs 8 to 10 rounded oval ivory-wliite with a greenish tinge ; <br> 1 50 + 2 00 to 1 60 + 2 30 Breeds on the southwestern bor- <br> der of the United States and southward in the Bahamas and <br> West Indies Nests in holes of trees in April <br> 178 Fulvous Tree Duck Dendrocygna fulva Eggs 10 <br> to 15 not dissimilar to those of No 177 Breeds on the south- <br> ern border of the United States and southward <br> 179 Whoopixg Swan Olor cygnus Eggs 6 to 10 oval <br> dirty white ; 4 30 -f- 2 90 to 4 35 + 2 95 Breeds in Northern <br> Europe Asia and Greenland <br> 180 Whistling Swan Olor columhianus Eggs 6 to 10 <br> oval dirty white ; 2 50 + 4 00 to 2 75 - - 4 50 Nests placed <br> on the ground in marshes Breeds in the extreme northern <br> poi'tion of North America <br> 181 Trumpeter Swan Olor buccinator Eggs 6 to 10 <br> oval dirty white; 2 50 + 4 30 to 2 70 -f 4 50 Breeds in the <br> interior of North America from Iowa and Dakota northward ; <br> west to the Pacific but rare on the Atlantic <br> ORDER VI ” ODONTOGLOSS Lamellirostral <br> Grallatores <br> Eggs few in number one or two rarely three covered with <br> a chalky incrustation <br> Nests composed of marl or clay formed into truncated cones <br> on which the eggs are placed and are usually situated in shal- <br> low salt-water lagoons or near them <br> Family XV ” PHCENICOPTERID Flamingoes <br> Members of this family inhabit the tropics where they nest <br> in communities; none of the species occur within our limits <br> during the breeding season <br> 182 American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber Eggs <br> usually 1 occasionally 2 rarely 3 long oval white thickly cov- 13764144 48899 13894 Page 27 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/13764144 1890 10 5962/bhl title 13894 Maynard C J NameFound Dendrocygna fulva NameConfirmed Dendrocygna fulva NameBankID 270398 NameFound Olor NameConfirmed Olor Wagler 1832 EOLID 20156 NameFound Olor buccinator NameConfirmed Olor buccinator Richardson 1831 EOLID 913233 NameBankID 9743504 NameFound Olor cygnus NameConfirmed Olor cygnus Linnaeus 1758 EOLID 913229 NameBankID 9743502 NameFound Phoenicopterus ruber NameConfirmed Phoenicopterus ruber EOLID 2869804 NameBankID 3851802 Biodiversity Heritage Library ABC of fox hunting Birds Eggs Nests North America SIL Smithsonian Institution Libraries bhl page 13764144 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/13764144 north america sil smithsonian institution libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2011-10-12 PD-old-70-1923 Eggs of North American birds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script Files from the Biodiversity Heritage Library released as Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |