Keywords: El infante-cardenal Luis Antonio de Borbón y Farnesio, niño.jpg Artwork Creator Jean Ranc Luis Antonio Jaime de Borbón y Farnesio Madrid 25 de julio de 1727 � Arenas de San Pedro 7 de agosto de 1785 Infante de España arzobispo de Toledo y Primado de las Españas 1735 cardenal de Santa María della Scala 1735 y arzobispo de Sevilla 1741 que terminó renunciando al estado eclesiástico y contrayendo matrimonio siendo finalmente XIII conde de Chinchón Fue hijo de Felipe V de España y de su segunda esposa Isabel de Farnesio duquesa de Parma en Infante Luis Antonio Jaime of Spain the Cardinal-Infante Madrid 25 July 1727 � Vila de Arenas de San Pedro Ávila 7 August 1785 Infante of Spain Cardinal Deacon of the Title of the church of Santa Maria della Scala in Rome Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain and 13th Conde de Chinchón Grandee of Spain First Class with a Coat of Arms of de Bourbon Luis was a son of Philip V King of Spain and his second wife Elisabeth of Parma 1731 Oil on canvas cm 105 84 Institution Prado http //www museodelprado es/coleccion/galeria-on-line/galeria-on-line/obra/el-infante-cardenal-luis-antonio-de-borbon-y-farnesio-nino/ This image is in the public domain due to its age other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1731; Luis de Borbón y Farnesio Paintings by Jean Ranc in the Prado Museum 18th-century portrait paintings in the Prado Museum Infante Luis Count of Chinchón 1730s oil on canvas paintings in Spain 1731 oil on canvas paintings 1731 portrait paintings from France Male 18th-century oil portraits of boys at three-quarter length 18th-century oval portraits of boys 18th-century portrait paintings with dogs Allonge wigs in paintings Drapery in portrait paintings Justaucorps in art Portrait paintings of boys with dogs Portrait paintings of standing boys Portraits with false frame Portrait paintings of men holding tricorne hats Sash of the Order of the Holy Spirit in portrait paintings Tassels in portrait paintings |