MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16203400278).jpg 142 <br> EVERYTHING FOR THE GARD EM � Plants <br> HENDERSON'S <br> SELECTION OF <br> HJtUDY CLIMBING ROSES <br> CLIMBING <br> American Beauty <br> A new Rose of wonderful beauty and <br> merit A ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16203400278).jpg 142 <br> EVERYTHING FOR THE GARD EM � Plants <br> HENDERSON'S <br> SELECTION OF <br> HJtUDY CLIMBING ROSES <br> CLIMBING <br> American Beauty <br> A new Rose of wonderful beauty and <br> merit A cross between the American Beauty <br> and an unnamed seedling Color rosy crim- <br> son identical with its pollen parent the <br> American Beauty and with the same exqui- <br> site fragrance a quality rarely found in <br> climbing Roses Of strong habit of growth <br> making shoots of from ten to fifteen feet in <br> one season hardy as an oak Will thrive <br> and bloom in almost any situation where a <br> climbing or pillar Rose is desired Flowers <br> three to four inches in diameter finely <br> formed on long stems are produced in great <br> profusion The foliage is large deep green <br> and entirely free from black spot or mildew <br> One of the first Roses to bloom in the spring <br> comes into flower with us in the latter part <br> of May and the first week in June and con- <br> tinues in full flower for a month or more <br> with occasional bloom during the growing <br> season; the plant with us having buds and <br> flowers until nipped by frost in November <br> Price 1st size SI 25 each 12 00 per doz ; <br> 2d s z2 SI 00 each 10 00 per doz Young <br> plants from 3-inch pots 25c each 2 50 per <br> doz <br> AMEKICAN PILLAR <br> A large single-flowering variety which <br> has attained deserved popularity here and <br> in Europe The flowers are three to four in- <br> ches across borne in great clusters of about <br> 100 flowers andliterally cover the plant They <br> are a lustrous rosy pink with a clear white <br> center very attractive The stamens are <br> numerous and bright yellow adding to its <br> beauty The season of blooming is about a <br> month The growth is very vigorous the <br> foliage is large luxuriant and bright green <br> which is retained until late in November In <br> the fall and early winter the plant is covered <br> with bright red seed pods in clusters Price <br> 1st size 75c each S7 50 per doz ; 2d size <br> 50c each S5 00per doz ; 3d size from 3-inch <br> pots 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> CHRISTINE WRIGHT <br> A very strong climbing Rose with large <br> thick leathery green foliage which is proof <br> against mildew or black spot The flower is <br> a bright clear wild-rose pink three and one- <br> half to four inches in diameter double borne <br> singly and in clusters; -very beautiful in bud <br> and last for days after cutting The plant is <br> a perfect mass of bloom in June and continues <br> to bloom' occasionally all during the season <br> the plants in our nurseries having bud and <br> flowers until nipped by the frost Beautiful <br> as a post or pillar Rose and perfectly adapted <br> for covering arbors walls and trellises and <br> the best hardy pink Rose we know See <br> cut page 143 <br> Price 1st size 1 00 each SlO OOper doz ; <br> 2d siz; 75c each S7 50 per doz Young <br> plants from 3-inch pots 25c each 2 50 per <br> doz <br> NEW HAKDY CLIMBING MOSS KOSE <br> WICHMOSS <br> One of the most interesting and useful varieties yet obtained from that <br> prolific source of splendid Climbing Roses viz ; Rosa Wichuraiana The var- <br> iety Wichmoss the name being a compound one is the result of a cross <br> between a Moss Rose and Wichuraiana It is extremely vigorous in habit <br> producing shoots 7 to 10 feet high in a year The foliage is a glossy-dark <br> green the branches quite spiny like the Moss Roses Flowers semi-double; <br> the upper side of the petals is rosy white the reverse tinted carmine-rose They <br> are borne profusely in clusters bearing 6 to 15 flowers very fragrant The bud <br> and flower stalks are liberally covered with moss like a' Moss Rose Entirely <br> hardy This splendid noyelty should appeal to all Rose lovers <br> Price 1 50 each 12 00 per doz ; 2d size 1 00 each S10 00 per doz <br> Young plants from 3-inch pots 25c each 2 50 per doz <br> New Blush Hardy 4\ '11 ' <br> Climbing Rose LUClllC <br> A new variety raised by Mr M H Walsh <br> the raiser of our famous Rose Jubilee This <br> new variety like all of the Rosa Wichuraiana <br> seedlings is a vigorous grower with beautiful <br> glossy foliage free from the diseases which <br> affected the old type of climbing Roses The <br> flowers are borne in great clusters and in <br> wonderful profusion; literally covering the <br> plants when well grown The color is a <br> beautiful light blush very charming The <br> flowers are full and double and of good size <br> Price 1st size 75c each; 2d size 60c each <br> 6 00 per doz ; 3d size from 3-inch pots 25c <br> each 2 50 per doz <br> Mme Hughette Despiney <br> A new climbing Rose raised in France also <br> a seedling of Rosa Wichuraiana It is a very <br> healthy vigorous grower foliage rather small <br> but very dense and a distinct bronze-green <br> The flowers are large and are very fragrant <br> The first row of petals show soft white with <br> deep yellow at the base with a strong shade of <br> orange yellow in the center The bloom is <br> borne in clusters of three to five flowers each <br> This is a beautiful and distinct variety and <br> will be hailed with enthusiasm by all Rose <br> lovers for its distinct and rich coloring and <br> its splendid habit <br> Price 1st size 75c each 7 50 per doz ; <br> 2d size 50c each So 00 per doz ; 3d size <br> from 3-inch pots 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> MRS M H WALSH <br> A new Rose of the Wichuraiana type of <br> climbers raised by Mr M H Walsh who <br> originated the fine varieties Excelsa Hia- <br> watha La Fiamma Lady Gay etc etc <br> This is probably his greatest achievement and <br> certainly is the finest double white Climb- <br> ing Rose yet produced The flowers are of <br> the purest white very double and of the <br> largest size in the class They are borne in <br> large trusses and very freely delicately <br> fragrant The foliage is a handsome dark <br> glossy green very ornamental The growth <br> is vigorous and the plant very hardy It <br> was the sensation of the National Flower <br> Show held in Boston in the spring of 1911 <br> and was awarded highest honors <br> Price 1st size 1 00 each SlO OOper doz ; <br> 2d size 75c each S7 50 per doz ; 3d size <br> from 3-inch pots 30c each 3 00 per doz <br> SHOWER OF GOLD <br> A seedling of Rosa Wichuraiana very <br> vigorous in growth densely covered with <br> beautiful glossy foliage This variety pro- <br> duces masses of flowers in large clusters The <br> color is a deep golden yellow with orange <br> shadings in the center It is a very promising <br> sort and fills the long felt want for a <br> Yellow Rambler <br> Price 1st size 75c each 3d size from 3- <br> inch pots 25c each 2 50 per doz <br> CLIMBING GRUSS AN TEPLITZ <br> A climbing form of Gruss an Teplitz Unquestionably one of the finest <br> climbing Roses ever introduced The color when first opening is very dark rich <br> crimson quickly changing to bright scarlet shading to velvety fiery red The <br> flowers are very showy and handsome Remarkably healthy and vigorous; <br> almost immune from all diseases <br> Price 1st size 1 00 each; 2d size 75c each 7 50 per doz ; 3d size from <br> 3-inch pots 25c each 2 50 per doz <br> CLIMBING RICHMOND <br> A strong vigorous climbing sport of this well-known and valuable rose which <br> is bound to become popular In all respects excepting growth it is identical <br> with Richmond; growth vigorous and of the true climbing habit It blooms <br> very-freely The color is magnificent a most vivid and rich scarlet-crimson; <br> flowers full and double fine for cutting <br> Price J 1st size 1 50 each; 3d size from 3-inch pots 40c each ' 4 00 per doz <br> All our 3d size Roses are grown in 3'inch pots See cut and explanation page 128 43874934 149634 78295 Page 142 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874934 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Excelsa NameConfirmed Excelsa NameBankID 5332605 NameFound Wichuraiana Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874934 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874934 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16203400278 2015-08-25 03 02 15 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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