Keywords: Evolution of minuscule.svg en Evolution of minuscule based on several sources but mainly for convenience from a calligraphy book <ref>David Harris The Calligrapher's Bible 100 Complete Alphabets and How to Draw Them 2003</ref> but corrected the various incorrect forms j v and w removed z and s changed <ref>http //medievalwriting 50megs com/scripts/letters/letters htm letterindex</ref> own Squidonius References Reflist ImageNote 1 291 73 2377 106 2758 1970 2 capitalis monumentalis Roman square capitals as found in the inscriptions on the Trajan Column in Rome also see ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 284 308 2364 356 2758 1970 2 Uncial Category Uncial Category Semi-uncial ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 291 925 2364 112 2758 1970 2 Beneventan hand ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 291 1173 2364 106 2758 1970 2 Insular and Gaelic hands ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 291 1045 2334 121 2758 1970 2 Carolingian minuscule developed under the reign of Charlemagne ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 284 1418 2351 112 2758 1970 2 Category Textura ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 284 1543 2364 125 2758 1970 2 Fraktur Category Fraktur ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 287 1293 2344 119 2758 1970 2 Category Gothic minuscule ImageNoteEnd 8 Handwriting Medieval scripts Historical development of letters |