Keywords: Force-distance-diagram.svg en Force-distance diagramm The marked area is work Force is variable de Kraft-Weg Diagramm bei veränderbarer Kraft Die markierte Fläche ist die verrichtete Arbeit own MartinThoma 2014-08-12 cs 0 0 5 anchor south rotate 90 font \boldmath\Large \addplotdomain 0 4 blue very thick samples 500 name path f sqrt x ; \pathname path axis axis cs 0 0 -- axis cs 10 0 ; \addplotfill green fill opacity 0 3 fill betweenof f and axis soft clip domain 1 3 ; \end axis \end tikzpicture \end document </source> Mechanical work Displacement Images by Martin Thoma/Physics TikZ diagrams Cc-zero force-distance diagrams |