Keywords: Ford A1558 NLGRF photo contact sheet (1974-10-21)(Gerald Ford Library).jpg White House Photographic Office WHPO is housed at the Gerald R Ford Presidential Library a branch of the National Archives and Records Administration NARA <br/><br/> This file is a 200 dpi photo contact sheet having images from roll of film A1558 of the August 9 1974 - January 20 1977 Gerald R Ford White House Photographic Office Series A0001-A9999 and B0001-B2886 photographs <br/><br/> The date on the photo contact sheet is the date the roll of film was processed not necessarily the date the photographs were taken See table below for additional details 1974-10-21 Gerald R Ford Presidential Library Image http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/library/whphotos/A1558_NLGRF jpg A1558_NLGRF jpg from http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/library/whphotos/19741021whpo pdf White House Photographs October 21 1974 of the http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/Library/whphotos/whpo asp White House Photographic Collection page White House Photographic Office WHPO <br/> Creator David Hume Kennerly PD-USGov Institution Institution Gerald R Ford Presidential Library Table wikitable sortable + Photo contact sheet A1558 U S President Ford Administration Gerald R Ford Library Frame s Tone Subject proper Subject generic Names Geographic Location Photographer Date - 4 BW Arrival at Hotel for Overnight Stay - Oklahoma City Oklahoma walking into elevator GRF Keiser Secret Service Oklahoma City OK Skirvin Plaza Hotel - Lobby Kennerly 1974-10-21 - 5-8 BW Prior to Meeting with Representatives of the Cattle Industry - Oklahoma City Oklahoma seated at table reading documents - various angles and distances GRF Oklahoma City OK Skirvin Plaza Hotel - President's Suite Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 9-13 BW Meeting with Representatives of the Cattle Industry; United States Senators from Oklahoma OK -Oklahoma City Oklahoma seated around table - various angles and distances GRF Sens Bellmon Bartlett; George Stone Lewis Munn Wray Finney John Dunn Adam Sallee Oklahoma City OK Skirvin Plaza Hotel - Room 916 Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 14 BW Prior to Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers -Oklahoma City Oklahoma greeting handshaking mingling GRF Guests Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 15 BW Prior to Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers -Oklahoma City Oklahoma playing to camera Rumsfeld Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 16 BW Prior to Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers -Oklahoma City Oklahoma seated reading feet up on table; long shot Rumsfeld Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 17-19 BW Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers -Oklahoma City Oklahoma GRF walking onto stage waving GRF Crowd Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 20-22 BW Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers - Oklahoma City Oklahoma GRF speaking at podium; crowd in foreground children playing with balloons in aisle GRF Crowd Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 23 BW Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers - Oklahoma City Oklahoma children sitting holding balloons Crowd Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 24 BW During Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers -Oklahoma City Oklahoma Rumsfeld seated on table woman standing nearby Rumsfeld Woman Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center -Hallway Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 25 BW Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers - Oklahoma City Oklahoma GRF speaking at podium; taken from far right of GRF GRF Platform Guests Crowd Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 26-31 BW Rally for Oklahoma Campaign Workers - Oklahoma City Oklahoma greeting mingling handshaking on floor of Convention Center GRF Crowd Secret Service Oklahoma City OK Myriad Convention Center Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 32 BW Prior to Departure from Tinker Air Force Base - Oklahoma City Oklahoma greeting handshaking thanking officers; police backs to camera; Air Force One in background GRF Police Officers Oklahoma City OK Tinker Air Force Base Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 33-36 BW Prior to Departure from Tinker Air Force Base - Oklahoma City Oklahoma handshaking saying goodbye; Air Force One in background GRF Others Oklahoma City OK Tinker Air Force Base Kennerly 1974-10-22 - 37 BW Prior to Departure from Tinker Air Force Base - Oklahoma City Oklahoma GRF waving from doorway of Air Force One - taken from behind GRF GRF Others Oklahoma City OK Tinker Air Force Base Kennerly 1974-10-22 Gerald R Ford Presidential Library and Museum-cooperation PD-USGov Contact sheets by the Ford White House October 1974 Photographs by David Hume Kennerly from 1974 |