MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...The spot in Porbander where Mahatama Gandhi was born." In Hinduism, the swastika represents the four directions. Facing right it represents the evolution of the universe; facing left it represents the involution of the universe. ...
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Keywords: "The spot in Porbander where Mahatama Gandhi was born." In Hinduism, the swastika represents the four directions. Facing right it represents the evolution of the universe; facing left it represents the involution of the universe. Hindus consider the swastika both holy and auspicious and use it to decorate cultural items. Source: UH Manoa Library "The spot in Porbander where Mahatama Gandhi was born." In Hinduism, the swastika represents the four directions. Facing right it represents the evolution of the universe; facing left it represents the involution of the universe. Hindus consider the swastika both holy and auspicious and use it to decorate cultural items. Source: UH Manoa Library
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