Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (16185387720).jpg A C U R R I E CO m <br> 130 Wisconsin St Milwaukee Wis <br> - ��' » <br> N <br> mm vl <br> N <br> L - <br> J <br> yi <br> �� ' M <br> �� dw <br> Bed of Cannas Caladiums etc <br> HARDY HERBACEOUS PLANTS <br> COREOPSIS <br> Exceedingly attractive and suitable for almost all conditions being per- <br> fectly hardy The bright yellow flowers are borne profusely during the en- <br> tire season on long stiff stems and are excellent for cutting <br> Lanceolata Grandlflora � Flowers large deep golden yellow Price each 15c; <br> doz 1 50 <br> DELPHINIUM Perennial Larkspur <br> Extra Choice Hybrids � Colors ranging from pale lavender to dark purple <br> price each 25c; doz 2 50 <br> GAILLARDIA <br> Grandlflora � Large flowering hybrids Price each 15c; doz 1 50 <br> FOXGLOVE Digitalis <br> Large Flowering Varieties � Fine mixed colors Each 20c; doz 2 00 <br> HEMEROCALLIS Day Lily <br> Flava � Yellow Each 20c; doz 2 00 <br> Fulva � Orange Each 20c; doz 2 00 <br> HELIANTHUS Sunflower <br> BEDDING PLANTS <br> ASTERS <br> The leading varieties Price per doz 25c; 100 1 50 <br> CALADIUMS <br> Strong plants started into growth Price each 25c; per doz 2 50 <br> CANNAS <br> Best bedding varieties strong plants Price each 25c; doz 2 50 <br> COLEUS Foliage Plants <br> Best bedding sorts Price per doz 1 00; 100 7 00 <br> GERANIUMS <br> Popular varieties; strong plants in 4 inch pots Price per doz 1 50; <br> 100 10 00 <br> PANSIES <br> Choice large flowering varieties Price per doz 50c; 100 3 50 <br> PETUNIAS <br> Finest single varieties assorted Price per doz 1 50; 100 10 00 <br> Finest Double varieties assorted Price per doz 2 00; 100 15 00 <br> SALVIA <br> Strong plants in 4 inch <br> pots Price per doz <br> 1 50; 100 10 00 <br> VERBENAS <br> Large flowering varie- <br> ties in all colors <br> Price per doz 75c; <br> 100 6 00 <br> Price each 15c; doz <br> Multiflorus Plenus � Double Hardy Yellow Sunflower <br> 1 50 <br> HOLLYHOCKS <br> Choice Double Varieties � Price each 25c; doz 2 50 <br> Choice Single Varieties � Price each 25c; doz 2 50 <br> PINKS Dlanthus <br> Choice mixed double and single Price each 15c; doz 1 50 <br> PYRETHRUM <br> Ullglnosam Giant Oi-Eye Daisy � Price each 15c; doz 1 50 <br> RUDBECKIA <br> Golden Glow � Double golden yellow Price each 15c; doz 1 50 <br> SWEET WILLIAM <br> Choice mixed varieties Price each 15c doz 1 50 <br> 76 <br> Perennial Larkspur 42156528 132761 65916 Page 76 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156528 1912 10 5962/bhl title 65916 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Coreopsis NameConfirmed Coreopsis L EOLID 38349 NameFound Gaillardia NameConfirmed Gaillardia Foug EOLID 38325 NameFound Helianthus NameConfirmed Helianthus EOLID 44915 NameBankID 2658016 NameFound Hemerocallis NameConfirmed Hemerocallis EOLID 11375972 NameBankID 2662577 NameFound Lanceolata NameConfirmed LANCEOLATA EOLID 2762079 NameBankID 544027 NameFound Multiflorus NameFound Plenus NameFound Pyrethrum NameConfirmed Pyrethrum Medik EOLID 2879753 NameBankID 8777274 NameFound Rudbeckia NameConfirmed Rudbeckia EOLID 37719 NameBankID 2658106 NameFound Salvia NameConfirmed Salvia L EOLID 38380 Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1912 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156528 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156528 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16185387720 2015-08-25 06 54 27 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Garden and farm seeds 1912 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |