Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (16371752452).jpg A CURRIEJcCOi <br> vs e'E <br> f »AuK£ - <br> GARDEN SEEDSl <br> Kentucky Wonder Bean <br> BUSH LIMA BEANS <br> Burpee's Bush Lima ” Beans as large as the Pole Limas Pkt 10c; <br> pint 15c; quart 25c; 4 quarts 85c; peck 1 60; bushel 6 00 <br> Henderson's Bush Lima ” The earliest of the Bush Limas Pkt 10c; <br> pint 15c; quart 25c; 4 quarts 85c; peck 1 60; bushel 6 00 <br> Fordhook Bush Lima ” Very productive The pods are large and <br> well filled with large beans of unusual thickness Both the pods <br> and beans are almost twice the size of the old Bush Limas Pkt <br> 10c; pint 20c; quart 30c; 4 quarts 1 15; peck 2 00; bushel 7 50 <br> Burpee's Improved Bush Lima ” New Wonder Lima ” The earliest <br> of the large Dwarf Bush Limas Compared with the old Burpee's <br> Bush Lima it is about 10 days earlier the pods and beans are <br> much larger Pkt 10c; pint 20c; quart 30c; 4 quarts 1 15; <br> peck 2 00; bushel 7 50 <br> POLE LIMA BEANS <br> Early Leviathan Lima ” The earliest largest and best of all the <br> Pole Lima Beans Pkt 10c; pint 15c; quart 25c; 4 quarts 85c; <br> peck 1 60; bushel 6 00 <br> Large White Lima ” Pods and beans large Pkt 10c; pint 15c; <br> quart 25c; 4 quarts 85c; peck 1 60; bushel 6 00 <br> King of the Garden Lima ” A strong grower bearing extra large <br> pods well filled with large beans Pkt 10c; pint 15c; quart <br> 25c; 4 quarts 85c; peck 1 60; bushel 6 00 <br> FIELD BEANS <br> Boston Small Pea Bean ” A strong grower very early and exceed- <br> ingly prolific The pods grow in clusters Plant in rows 3 feet <br> apart and 4 to 6 inches apart in the rows Pkt 5c; pint 10c; <br> quart 15c; 4 quarts 50c; peck 80c; bushel 3 00 <br> White Marrowfat ” Grown extensively for the shelled beans either <br> green or dry Pkt 5c; pint 10c; quart 15c; 4 quarts 50c; peck <br> 80c; bushel 3 00 <br> ENGLISH DWARF BEANS <br> Broad Windsor ” The largest and best Pkt 10c; pint 15c; quart 30c <br> POLE OR RUNNING BEANS <br> One quart to 150 hills; 10 to 12 quarts per acre <br> Early Golden Cluster Wax ” The vines are <br> strong and vigorous bearing clusters of <br> pods six to eight inches long in great pro- <br> fusion Pkt 10c; pint 20c; quart 30c; 4 <br> quarts 1 15; peck 2 00; bushel 7 50 <br> Kentucky Wonder Old Homestead ” Bears <br> great clusters of long green podded de- <br> licious beans from top to bottom of the <br> vines Very early Pkt 10c; pint 15c; <br> quart 25c; 4 quarts 85c; peck 1 60; <br> bushel 5 75 <br> Horticultural or Speckled Cranberry ” Much <br> esteemed as a shell bean Pkt 10c; pint <br> 15c; quart 25c; 4 quarts 85c; peck 1 60; <br> bushel 5 75 <br> Scarlet Runner ” An excellent shell bean of <br> fine flavor although it is generally grown <br> for its brilliant scarlet blossoms Pkt <br> 10c; pint 15c; quart 30c; 4 quarts 1 10; <br> peck 2 10; bushel 8 00 42156457 132761 65916 Page 5 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156457 1912 10 5962/bhl title 65916 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Limas NameConfirmed Limas NameBankID 4220815 Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1912 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156457 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156457 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16371752452 2015-08-25 06 54 50 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Garden and farm seeds 1912 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |