MAKE A MEME View Large Image Price list has attractive engraved front showing a tin of cold cooked mutton, against a background of sheep and cattle grazing on either side of a stream. The back lists the prices of mutton, fancy goods, beef, soups, tongues, potted ...
View Original:Gear_Meat_Preserving_&_Freezing_Company_of_New_Zealand_Ltd_:Wholesale_price_list,_January_1906._[and]_Gear_corned_beef_[ca_1900?].jpg (3413x4861)
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Keywords: Price list has attractive engraved front showing a tin of cold cooked mutton, against a background of sheep and cattle grazing on either side of a stream. The back lists the prices of mutton, fancy goods, beef, soups, tongues, potted pastes, and extract of meat. Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s). Physical Description: Photolithograph and letterpress on both sides of sheet, 230 x 159 mm. Provenance: Transferred from MS 81-295 (Box 35) in 2002 - Gear Meat Company papers. Transfers: FMSA - 81-295, box 35.. Gear Meat Preserving & Freezing Company of New Zealand Ltd :Wholesale price list, January 1906. [and] Gear corned beef [ca 1900?]. [Ephemera relating to meat, the meat industry, cookery. 1900-1919]. Ref: Eph-A-MEAT-1906-01. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. Price list has attractive engraved front showing a tin of cold cooked mutton, against a background of sheep and cattle grazing on either side of a stream. The back lists the prices of mutton, fancy goods, beef, soups, tongues, potted pastes, and extract of meat. Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s). Physical Description: Photolithograph and letterpress on both sides of sheet, 230 x 159 mm. Provenance: Transferred from MS 81-295 (Box 35) in 2002 - Gear Meat Company papers. Transfers: FMSA - 81-295, box 35.. Gear Meat Preserving & Freezing Company of New Zealand Ltd :Wholesale price list, January 1906. [and] Gear corned beef [ca 1900?]. [Ephemera relating to meat, the meat industry, cookery. 1900-1919]. Ref: Eph-A-MEAT-1906-01. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
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