Keywords: Haeckel Batrachia L lineatus.jpg <br/> The military frog of Surinam is very peculiar in that the female carries its young on its back in military rank The little tadpoles numbering 12 to 20 attach to two diverging back ridges of the mother that run symmetrically either side of the dorsal central line by their oral suction plates The mobile rudder tails are turned outward on the left side as on the right Kunstformen der Natur 1904 plate 68 Batrachia see http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_068_300 html here http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_068_text_1_200 html here and http //caliban mpiz-koeln mpg de/haeckel/kunstformen/high/Tafel_068_text_2_200 html here Original work 1904 Derivative work 2006-06-12 01 22 Original work Ernst Haeckel Derivative work Pengo <span class signature-talk >talk</span> PD-old Haeckel_Batrachia jpg Kunstformen der Natur - derivative Leptodactylus lineatus |