Keywords: harry a. diener harryadiener hutchinson kansas cows mennonite community farms agriculture animals farm animals mennonitecommunityfarmsagricultureanimalsfarmanimals blackandwhite monochrome outdoor black and white Caption: July, 1947. Hutchinson, Kansas. Farm of Harry A. Diener. Cows resting in the shade. Citation: Mennonite Community Photographs, 1947-1953. Farm Animals. HM4-134 Boxes 2-3 Photo 410.7-1. Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen. Goshen, Indiana. Caption: July, 1947. Hutchinson, Kansas. Farm of Harry A. Diener. Cows resting in the shade. Citation: Mennonite Community Photographs, 1947-1953. Farm Animals. HM4-134 Boxes 2-3 Photo 410.7-1. Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen. Goshen, Indiana. |